I can't explain how I feel right now. Her and my son are a young couple w/only one baby girl, 2 yrs old. What about future babies? More importantly, what if this shot cripples or kills her? I just can't...
Honestly, I hate the people pushing this shit SO bad I can hardly stand it. Feel like I need to go on a walkabout or something. Just want to run. Hard.
Please pray for her. Pray for everybody who was coerced or manipulated into getting this shit and felt like they had no other options.
This is what I don’t understand, who gets to decide whether you’re religious belief is sincere or not!!? 🤯 Our company is doing the same thing and it’s insane to me. I plan on making a post about it eventually b/c it really is so wild and full on tyrannical you can’t even believe it’s happening in America, let alone to you. Our exemptions were already approved. Then the company realized that a lot of people used a template from online to help them write out their religious exemption request, and then they got wind, through a company wide chat group, that people were giving advice on how to fill out the request to insure that it would be approved (yes, those people are morons for talking about that on a company chat that ANYONE can see). So now everyone has to resubmit their request so they can determine if we’re “sincere” and let me tell you, the list of questions we’re supposed to answer now are truly offensive and downright derogatory. It’s truly disgusting what’s going on and our Union has done nothing to assist us or fight for us, which is not surprising, but infuriating nonetheless. Prayers for your DIL. Like my husband said, these people are evil monsters!