Guys & Gals,
It's time to start polishing up that resume. It might be scary to move to a new job.
But that's what I have been doing.
My resume is updated and I am in talks with recruiters. I tell them my stance on the vaccine ahead of time.
But if your job is going to mandate it. It's time to start looking elsewhere.
Hey I wanted to say, while between job fight for MAGA and protest the VAX. GET OUT THERE now that you have time!
Start by posting spicy memes irl where they will be seen. Then start by saying hi to no mask patriots, exchange memes like business cards.
I am still at my current job. They haven't said anything about the mandate yet. Which is why I am getting ready.
It's odd they haven't at least sent out an email.
I expect mandates to die by Christmas. People who thought nothing of 2shots is sus as fuck about boosters. Many were fooled not stupid.
Like the shady vibes is strong as hell. How shitty were the first 2 shots that we need another so soon? and high vax country aren't doing well.
"These vaccines are trashy products that are a waste of time and money" that's my go to.
Cause even though they don't believe us they can believe their own eyes. Imagine if you literally just called the plumber TWICE last month and it's leaking again....
That plumber is a waste of time and money!