Wow. Thanks for posting this. Yet another American putting the well-being of others ahead of her own financial needs. Very inspiring and this viral-worthy video is sure to save lives.
This is not the type of commentary we need, this is the type of comment a 100% brainwashed individual would make, not a person that has gone through the great awakening
No, allowing humans to be divided on race / gender / religion etc etc is how we got here, and it is one of, if not the most effective weapons used by the cabal to get us here, they keep us fighting amongst each other while they implement their plan - that's how we got here ...... the 13 families or whatever it is that run the world are all exclusively white. The attack on the white population has been going on for a few decades for sure, and it is part of the final play, however this was primed by the attack on people of color for centuries prior to this, otherwise this attack on white people would not have worked at all.
The plan is not new, its been in play for at least 1000 years, and most likely longer.
Now is the time for us to break down these barriers and no longer allow them to divide us - only maybe then we can overcome these evil clowns. The longer we make a concerted effort to highlight our differences, the loner they keep us mentally controlled and manipulated
Wow. Thanks for posting this. Yet another American putting the well-being of others ahead of her own financial needs. Very inspiring and this viral-worthy video is sure to save lives.
This is not the type of commentary we need, this is the type of comment a 100% brainwashed individual would make, not a person that has gone through the great awakening
No, allowing humans to be divided on race / gender / religion etc etc is how we got here, and it is one of, if not the most effective weapons used by the cabal to get us here, they keep us fighting amongst each other while they implement their plan - that's how we got here ...... the 13 families or whatever it is that run the world are all exclusively white. The attack on the white population has been going on for a few decades for sure, and it is part of the final play, however this was primed by the attack on people of color for centuries prior to this, otherwise this attack on white people would not have worked at all.
The plan is not new, its been in play for at least 1000 years, and most likely longer.
Now is the time for us to break down these barriers and no longer allow them to divide us - only maybe then we can overcome these evil clowns. The longer we make a concerted effort to highlight our differences, the loner they keep us mentally controlled and manipulated
Divided we fall and united we will stand