Wow. Thanks for posting this. Yet another American putting the well-being of others ahead of her own financial needs. Very inspiring and this viral-worthy video is sure to save lives.
To smokratez -- I'm white. I love white people. I agree with you (on what I assume is your position) that white people are being slandered, discriminated against in law and otherwise, and that we are being targeted for genocide.
But you can say the same about EVERY race, ethnicity, religion, and most nationalities at one time or another. Right now, Western Civilization itself, which is, yes, largely a creation of caucasians -- is under attack; the psychopathic elites want a tyranny, not a democratic republic or anything LIKE one. They want authoritarianism with THEM as the authorities, and to hell with human rights.
The good news is that we -- whites, and especially whites with tradtional Western values -- have plenty of allies among people of other races. It turns out that most people of EVERY race want to be free, and want to be good neighbors. And some are plenty brave about supporting the truth. Here's Dr. Stella Immanuel, for example -- a black woman from Cameroon, a medical doctor who is a strong Trump supporter and well-known as an advocate for HCQ, among other things.
I could go on, but this reply is long enough and I think makes the point. I'm with you on pointing out and opposing the assaults on the white race, but insulting other races by suggesting that whites are better than other races (which your short comment implies) only drives a wedge between us even further and actually harms your cause.
[And yes, the races are slightly different in STATISTICAL terms, just as men are taller AS A GROUP than women but plenty of women are taller than plenty of men -- that's mostly a vive la difference fact of life, not a reason to put one race down or venerate another more highly. And many supposed "racial" differences are cultural, not genetic, which is why so many second- and later-generation black, asian, and East Indian Americans are just plain "American" in their thinking and behavior].
Wow. Thanks for posting this. Yet another American putting the well-being of others ahead of her own financial needs. Very inspiring and this viral-worthy video is sure to save lives.
To smokratez -- I'm white. I love white people. I agree with you (on what I assume is your position) that white people are being slandered, discriminated against in law and otherwise, and that we are being targeted for genocide.
But you can say the same about EVERY race, ethnicity, religion, and most nationalities at one time or another. Right now, Western Civilization itself, which is, yes, largely a creation of caucasians -- is under attack; the psychopathic elites want a tyranny, not a democratic republic or anything LIKE one. They want authoritarianism with THEM as the authorities, and to hell with human rights.
The good news is that we -- whites, and especially whites with tradtional Western values -- have plenty of allies among people of other races. It turns out that most people of EVERY race want to be free, and want to be good neighbors. And some are plenty brave about supporting the truth. Here's Dr. Stella Immanuel, for example -- a black woman from Cameroon, a medical doctor who is a strong Trump supporter and well-known as an advocate for HCQ, among other things.
I could go on, but this reply is long enough and I think makes the point. I'm with you on pointing out and opposing the assaults on the white race, but insulting other races by suggesting that whites are better than other races (which your short comment implies) only drives a wedge between us even further and actually harms your cause.
[And yes, the races are slightly different in STATISTICAL terms, just as men are taller AS A GROUP than women but plenty of women are taller than plenty of men -- that's mostly a vive la difference fact of life, not a reason to put one race down or venerate another more highly. And many supposed "racial" differences are cultural, not genetic, which is why so many second- and later-generation black, asian, and East Indian Americans are just plain "American" in their thinking and behavior].
You're a shill, so don't even bother.
Nope, not a shill.