Animals sense evil even on a subconscious level. Nazi's used attack dogs and the dogs did not attack the Nazis back because on a subconscious level the Nazis truly thought they were doing the right thing for nationalism. (Not saying they were right by any means, but that was the German mindset in the 1940s).
There is no nationalism in this case, Aussie is a nation attacking itself -- even the cop knows on some level this is wrong, the dog can sense it's masters uncertainty and the duress of the bystander so the dog does the right thing and attacks the agressor.
These people are engaging evil on such a fundamental level that not even they belive in the stoicism of their own actions.
The cop is full of shit and he knows it, the bystander knows it, and the dog knows it.
Animals sense evil even on a subconscious level. Nazi's used attack dogs and the dogs did not attack the Nazis back because on a subconscious level the Nazis truly thought they were doing the right thing for nationalism. (Not saying they were right by any means, but that was the German mindset in the 1940s).
There is no nationalism in this case, Aussie is a nation attacking itself -- even the cop knows on some level this is wrong, the dog can sense it's masters uncertainty and the duress of the bystander so the dog does the right thing and attacks the agressor.
These people are engaging evil on such a fundamental level that not even they belive in the stoicism of their own actions.
The cop is full of shit and he knows it, the bystander knows it, and the dog knows it.