Low IQ, unfortunately, has nothing to do with it. I just found out tonight that a couple of guys I know, who are both college graduates in the computer field, thought all of the jabs were fully FDA approved. I just about freaked when I heard that.
The MSM has also has everyone thoroughly confused over Comirnaty vs. the Pfizer bioNtech vaccine. Everyone thinks the Pfizer shot is fully approved when it's still under EUA. They don't understand that while they're basically the same, LEGALLY they're distinct products. Comirnaty is not currently available in the US.
I still have a lot of educating to do on my end, sigh.
I can’t fully blame them. Yes it’s their fault for not paying attn and questioning things but who woulda thunk they’d be so brazen about lying and cheating ...
Yes anyone with a shred of moral fiber could not imaging doing anything remotely close. That’s why they are all truly psychopaths and sociopaths. I forget the difference between the two.
Low IQ, unfortunately, has nothing to do with it. I just found out tonight that a couple of guys I know, who are both college graduates in the computer field, thought all of the jabs were fully FDA approved. I just about freaked when I heard that.
The MSM has also has everyone thoroughly confused over Comirnaty vs. the Pfizer bioNtech vaccine. Everyone thinks the Pfizer shot is fully approved when it's still under EUA. They don't understand that while they're basically the same, LEGALLY they're distinct products. Comirnaty is not currently available in the US.
I still have a lot of educating to do on my end, sigh.
I can’t fully blame them. Yes it’s their fault for not paying attn and questioning things but who woulda thunk they’d be so brazen about lying and cheating ...
This has been the problem all along. It is all so brazen that it's hard to believe anyone would be audacious enough to attempt such a thing.
Yes anyone with a shred of moral fiber could not imaging doing anything remotely close. That’s why they are all truly psychopaths and sociopaths. I forget the difference between the two.