Greetings to all our Aussie friends down under. I just had a thought about your lockdowns and government overreach there. Could the AUS government be under the hidden control of the Chinese? Remember that countries, especially Asian countries, often try to expand their territory, especially those countries nearest them and that are rich in natural resources.
The Japanese in the run-up to WWII were in an expansionist period when they invaded China and other Pacific nations... the Philippines etc. Perhaps China, seeing its own economic fragility right now, intends to expand its weak empire to strengthen it with the land and resources of those nearest them. And that would include Australia.
It appears that, if this idea is correct, China and their paid lapdogs in other countries have begun a quiet invasion without having fired a shot.
Would be glad to hear your all's thoughts on this.
Dear Lord, Australia was sold to the Chinese by her traitors at the top level in 1975. They have been infiltrating into top positions ever since. The Chinese have been planning for it to be their property for a looong time while the Aussies were fast asleep.