She was admitted to the ICU tonight with covid and bacterial pneumonia in her lungs. They are going to try regeneron and they have her on a ventilator. Her oxygen went up from 70 to 80 after going on the vent. Please say a prayer for her and give her strength. She is the nicest lady in the world!
Edit: Prayer works! Her oxygen level is up to 93 this afternoon and she has improved kidney function! The steroids and antibiotics appear to be working and helping her pneumonia. Thank you all for the prayers. She's not out of the woods yet, but making improvements.
Great comment. I too thought this was the normal flu mistaken and blamed on Covid until myself and my family got it. Ivermectin cured us. What I don't understand is what has happened to the normal flu, seems like everyone is getting this new Covid when sick now? And how is it entering our bodies, when people like myself never get a flu, but got this. Took all the immune building vitamins and had blood tests to prove my vit levels were high.
I preface again by saying "I don't know."
I find it odd that I went from knowing no one who was sick for the entire year plus pandemic to knowing about 10 people who were sick with COVID in my community simultaneously plus presumably many that I do not know also sick judging by the spikes emergency medical activity in my neighborhood. With the flu it is not uncommon for a few people to be sick at once but those illnesses have historically seemed to move from one family to the next or within households over a period of days and weeks. When COVID hit hard here it was everyone sick all at once and I couldn't help but wonder if it was a targeted bio attack to our community using a chem trail type infection method or similar.
Who knows...maybe they use chem trails or other means to deliver the regular flu to us every year also. If that is the case it could he one explanation for why the regular flu disappeared last year. I wish I knew. Confusion is one of their weapons they use against us.