I learned something interesting this week about where the "six million" Jewish Holocaust death-toll came from:
It all started during the Nuremberg trials when Russians presented wartime propaganda claiming that four million Jews were executed in gas chamber showers at the Auschwitz concentration camp.
That four million number was increased to six million to accommodate other death camp gas showers like the ones at the Dachau concentration camp.
However, the Polish government officially corrected the Auschwitz gas chamber shower death toll down to 1.1 million.
Multiple teams later forensically tested the showers at Auschwitz and Dachau for residual traces of the deadly Zyklon B gas with the walls and soil and found nothing.
Nobody was gassed in the showers at Auschwitz or Dachau.
And that's how gas chamber shower holocaust of zero Jews became 1.1 million and then four million and was later rounded up to six million.
Using forensic chemical analysis, zero residual traces of Zyklon B was found within the physical structure and soil of Auschwitz's "gas chamber showers"... whereas the building that were used to sterilize lice infected clothing using the same gas, definitively showed significant traces of the deadly gas when their structures were testing using the same forensic chemical analysis.
The showers at Auschwitz were forensically and definitively proven to never have been used to gas anyone.
Nobody was gassed in the showers at Auschwitz, including your neighbor's parents.
Here's an interesting video that goes into those specific details, if you're interested:
We've all seen those photos of German prison guards filling burial pits with the corpses of starved prisoners, but most people don't realize those photos were taken two years after WW2 ended.
Your neighbor may be shy about admitting that his parents remained in Auschwitz after the war ended because they were not released as prisoners of war, but were legitimate criminals who participated in the German Jewish Communist Party (KPD) coup of 1933 and were tried and found guilty of treason.
He may be shy about admitting his parents were the treasonous communist who created Antifa in 1930 and declared a holy war against German Christians in 1933.
I learned something interesting this week about where the "six million" Jewish Holocaust death-toll came from:
It all started during the Nuremberg trials when Russians presented wartime propaganda claiming that four million Jews were executed in gas chamber showers at the Auschwitz concentration camp.
That four million number was increased to six million to accommodate other death camp gas showers like the ones at the Dachau concentration camp.
However, the Polish government officially corrected the Auschwitz gas chamber shower death toll down to 1.1 million.
Multiple teams later forensically tested the showers at Auschwitz and Dachau for residual traces of the deadly Zyklon B gas with the walls and soil and found nothing.
Nobody was gassed in the showers at Auschwitz or Dachau.
And that's how gas chamber shower holocaust of zero Jews became 1.1 million and then four million and was later rounded up to six million.
I agree there were significant deaths.
We've all seen the photos of German prison guards filling massive burial pits with the corpses of starved prisoners... but few people realize those photos were taken two years AFTER WW2 ended: ten million German civilians and one million prisoners starved to death between 1945 and 1947 (mostly) because of punishing allied sanctions. This irrefutable fact is referred to by historians as "Eisenhower's Holocaust".
Those prisoners remained incarcerated after the prisoners of war were released in 1945 because most were legitimate criminals who declared a holy war against German Christians and participated in the treasonous communist coup of 1933 ... and created Antifa in 1930.
Using forensic chemical analysis, zero residual traces of Zyklon B was found within the physical structure and soil of Auschwitz's "gas chamber showers"... whereas the building that were used to sterilize lice infected clothing using the same gas, definitively showed significant traces of the deadly gas when their structures were testing using the same forensic chemical analysis.
The showers at Auschwitz were forensically and definitively proven to never have been used to gas anyone.
Nobody was gassed in the showers at Auschwitz, including your neighbor's parents.
Here's an interesting video that goes into those specific details, if you're interested:
Have you considered the story your neighbor told you is only a half truth?
Perhaps your neighbor's parents did die in Auschwitz but they weren't gassed but starved to death in 1947, two years after the war ended, during what historians refer to as "Eisenhower's Holocaust". Ten million German civilians and one million Jewish prisoners starved to death during this time, which was caused (mostly) by allied sanctions.
We've all seen those photos of German prison guards filling burial pits with the corpses of starved prisoners, but most people don't realize those photos were taken two years after WW2 ended.
Your neighbor may be shy about admitting that his parents remained in Auschwitz after the war ended because they were not released as prisoners of war, but were legitimate criminals who participated in the German Jewish Communist Party (KPD) coup of 1933 and were tried and found guilty of treason.
He may be shy about admitting his parents were the treasonous communist who created Antifa in 1930 and declared a holy war against German Christians in 1933.