Fun story, I chose to stick by my rights and honor my religious perspective rights can imagine, I was not offered any exemption nor accommodation.
Here's the plot twist, I work(ed) in a emergency responder role and was exposed to the rona' and tested positive with just a few days of employment left.
I can't get an answer from anyone on how this is to finish. If you're injured on the job, and the job fires you... traditionally this is retaliation. This circumstance is obviously not the same....however, the exposure is their liability and they do not want any part of it.....and I cannot go find a new job because of the contact tracers....and L&I wants me to collect sick time, job wants me to collect L&I....and I couldn't even possibly claim unemployment due to the inability to show up for work.
I'm just sitting here waiting to see how they move because there's a really good chance that I will sue for damages....more for discovery than the money.
This is going to be swell!
U only wake them up hitting the wallet. Believe me, once they pay you, the flood gate is open nd theyll shit themselves
And I have to say your attitude about it cheered me up.