posted ago by MichaelConservative ago by MichaelConservative +13 / -0
  1. Sharing videos like Joe Biden saying, "I'm not your president, Donald Trump is" when it's a clipped video, and no one is disclosing that UPFRONT.
  2. People in the Patriots.win hating on GreatAwakening.win without any knowledge of this site's goals and directions. We need to better as a community. Maybe the mods can have a sit down with the patriots.win mods, maybe it's not possible, I don't know. We are all on the same team, we all want the same thing. We all want our country back in the hands of We the People. We want the end of tyranny and secret societies running our nation. Whether you believe in the "plan" or not. The devil is using this as an attack on us, he's dividing us, and we are letting it happen. I ask of the community 2 things.
  3. Pray [without ceasing] for the furtherance of this community.
  4. Be gentle with our frens in other .win communities, let's not widen the gap because of us. If they widen the gap themselves, their shame can/will fall on their own heads.