Or, you know, Taiwan could have moved a ton of stuff out of the country and then had an earthquake. Blowing stuff up is destructive. Buildings can be repurpased or left empty when not in use.
This community jumps at every event it sees whether there is a natural explanation or not. Some users here talk of discernment while the community itself is rarely skeptical enough about simple natural occurrences and eagerly runs down the rabbit holes of assumptions they create in their own minds.
Discernment must be applied at all times, not just selectively. When something appears to be a natural occurrence it probably is unless there are significant signs the occurrence was not natural. With respect to earthquakes in Taiwan, are there any such signs aside from the circumstances of a potential Chinese invasion?
Or, you know, Taiwan could have moved a ton of stuff out of the country and then had an earthquake. Blowing stuff up is destructive. Buildings can be repurpased or left empty when not in use.
This community jumps at every event it sees whether there is a natural explanation or not. Some users here talk of discernment while the community itself is rarely skeptical enough about simple natural occurrences and eagerly runs down the rabbit holes of assumptions they create in their own minds.
Discernment must be applied at all times, not just selectively. When something appears to be a natural occurrence it probably is unless there are significant signs the occurrence was not natural. With respect to earthquakes in Taiwan, are there any such signs aside from the circumstances of a potential Chinese invasion?