Juan O Savin revealed--
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Yup. he would have replied to any answer I gave with "Well, why should I believe that? Why should I believe you?"
Even if he's being innocent... I've spent hours on top of hours doing research and my own investigations for myself. I'm not a reporter or a teacher, I do it for me. It's almost like a drug, it's actually a little bit sick. Now, for years, people have been speculating about Juan's identity. This thread is for those people. This kid comes in here, and has no clue about anything and without any prior research at all and asks why "this Juan O. Savin guy" is worth listening to, and expects me or some other rando on the internet who he won't listen to anyways to waste our time painting a picture for him..... He has a lot of catching up to do and I'm not the guy that's going to try to bring him up to speed... I'd much rather waste my time ranting and venting like this to someone who might understand than try to teach someone who won't even take the time to actually listen to the person (Juan) in question.