Absolutely. I check the preprint servers out of the East. These are servers for studies submitted by ANYONE, but if they aren’t vetted and verified they don’t make it to printed journals.
Right now they are submitting viruses that will change proteins in your eyes. One patent to change the protein do you react hostilely to the color red.
Viruses are essentially made to insert their RNA into your DNA. It doesn’t always change your DNA but can when the cells screw up and don’t apoptosis, I’m verbing this term and making up words now. But if the cell doesn’t die after a viral infection it can be mutated. And spit out messed up protein as the DNA has changed.
The best way to reprogram is through viruses guck the vaccines those genetic programs are weak compared to CRISPR working on viruses. It’s not even discussed as a possible bioweapon because viruses are so superior in changing a persons genetics.
It’s the virus guys. I’m interested in this ten plus years now not just because of covid. CRISPR is available on Amazon.
God help us when they finish the eye studies. They are just starting to changed brain proteins and have had success on the optic nerve. I am only seeing things regarding changing the genetic code of the optic nerve. It’s questionable how long these changes are sustained because we can’t change chromosomes just epigenetic changes.
They could change us into zombies with a virus, but likely those effects will wear off unless they release more viruses which I’m sure they will.
That is 100% not true.
You can absolutely genetically modify SARS-Cov-1 to SARS-Cov-2 (Covid).
Look into CRISPR.
Absolutely. I check the preprint servers out of the East. These are servers for studies submitted by ANYONE, but if they aren’t vetted and verified they don’t make it to printed journals.
Right now they are submitting viruses that will change proteins in your eyes. One patent to change the protein do you react hostilely to the color red.
Viruses are essentially made to insert their RNA into your DNA. It doesn’t always change your DNA but can when the cells screw up and don’t apoptosis, I’m verbing this term and making up words now. But if the cell doesn’t die after a viral infection it can be mutated. And spit out messed up protein as the DNA has changed.
The best way to reprogram is through viruses guck the vaccines those genetic programs are weak compared to CRISPR working on viruses. It’s not even discussed as a possible bioweapon because viruses are so superior in changing a persons genetics.
It’s the virus guys. I’m interested in this ten plus years now not just because of covid. CRISPR is available on Amazon.
God help us when they finish the eye studies. They are just starting to changed brain proteins and have had success on the optic nerve. I am only seeing things regarding changing the genetic code of the optic nerve. It’s questionable how long these changes are sustained because we can’t change chromosomes just epigenetic changes.
They could change us into zombies with a virus, but likely those effects will wear off unless they release more viruses which I’m sure they will.