You don't have to sell your shares in order to transfer. If you log on to your Fidelity account you can look and search for an option to transfer other accounts from other brokerages, in which all of your assets/cash (minus crypto if you hold crypto on Robinhood) will be sent over without having to sell/buy it back. It takes a few business days but I can't emphasize enough that you NEED to do it and get away from that Robinhood cesspool. Computershare is interesting in that you actually cannot create an account on your own unless you either 1st buy share(s) directly from them, or have your share(s) transferred over. If you want to know every last detail about Computershare you can visit their official website and read the FAQ's and go to reddit, specifically the /r/Superstonk subreddit, and then search "Computershare" on that subreddit and they will have posts about all the information to answer every question you possible have about Computershare.
You don't have to sell your shares in order to transfer. If you log on to your Fidelity account you can look and search for an option to transfer other accounts from other brokerages, in which all of your assets/cash (minus crypto if you hold crypto on Robinhood) will be sent over without having to sell/buy it back. It takes a few business days but I can't emphasize enough that you NEED to do it and get away from that Robinhood cesspool. Computershare is interesting in that you actually cannot create an account on your own unless you either 1st buy share(s) directly from them, or have your share(s) transferred over. If you want to know every last detail about Computershare you can visit their official website and read the FAQ's and go to reddit, specifically the /r/Superstonk subreddit, and then search "Computershare" on that subreddit and they will have posts about all the information to answer every question you possible have about Computershare.