Wall Street’s New Asset Class Will Put Natural World ‘Up for Sale’
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Goes in line with what u/TrustTheTruth has been posting about for many years.
Complete control & domination over everything. Land, water, food, transportation, all of it. Enslavement here on Earth (owning/controlling everything) and also Eternal Enslavement (eradication of Christianity, just like they've already done in China).
This is PRECISELY what Rosa Koire (RIP) was talking about regarding Agenda 21. She says almost those exact words near the beginning of this interview:
Yeeesss! You beat me to it! This is exactly what Rosa Koire says. The video is awesome. She says, “Sustainablity is key to Agenda 21 and you know what’s not sustainable(per globalists), the middle class way of life”. Got her book today!!!