Personally I don't see anything wrong with East Tennessee, one of the best places in the country to live in my opinion, and from what I can tell in researching where people are moving, most people moving to Tennessee are moving to the urban centers and suburbs, thereby cucking what little "liberal strong holds" exist in the state. Looking at the state, most people moving to Tennessee are overwhelmingly conservative (90-95%) and moving to the big 4 cities (Nashville, Memphis, Knoxville, and Chattanooga) from crapholes in midwest and northeast (Chicago, Philly, Boston, Newark, etc.). They're basically just urban conservatives who got tired of living in liberal hell but don't wanna give up city life so they moved to large cities in conservative states. Same thing is happening in Texas, Florida, Idaho, Montana, North and South Carolina, etc. etc.
If you're dead set on moving to a different state though, the only one three I can think of that fit your criteria are Ohio, Montana, and Wyoming. Not really sure what kind of trees are in Ohio, but it pretty much matches the rest. Not the best gun laws, but pretty decent, snow is all but guaranteed to be a constant in the winter thanks to the great lakes, summers are pretty mild for the same reason, land is cheap outside of the urban metros, etc.
Montana is basically a larger Idaho for all intents and purposes, so that should tell you what it's like.
Wyoming would probably be the best to fit your criteria. Cheap land so long as you're not looking to buy a farm or several 1000 acres, lowest population of any state in the union, no income tax, decent amount of lakes, depending on where you are in the state, LOTS of spruce trees, Rocky Mountains in the Western and middle part of the state. Summers are decently mild, the occasional chill from wind and high elevation, and White Christmases are all but guaranteed. Some of the best gun laws in the country, and it's a haven for preppers and off grid types, especially in the mountains.
No problem, I've got family up there, and it's not exactly the best or worst state. Kind of that weird middle ground where very little actually happens because everything is so mild. The weather is probably the biggest thing, the great lake effect screws with the weather so much that, depending on the time of year, you can go from sunny and in the 70s-80s to below freezing and in the middle of a bilzzard in the same day in the winter. The summer is pretty mild though since the great lakes give off a "coastal breeze" effect that make it feel pretty mild regardless of temperature.
Also, you can broadcast insults across the water at Trudeau, so that's also a plus.
Personally I don't see anything wrong with East Tennessee, one of the best places in the country to live in my opinion, and from what I can tell in researching where people are moving, most people moving to Tennessee are moving to the urban centers and suburbs, thereby cucking what little "liberal strong holds" exist in the state. Looking at the state, most people moving to Tennessee are overwhelmingly conservative (90-95%) and moving to the big 4 cities (Nashville, Memphis, Knoxville, and Chattanooga) from crapholes in midwest and northeast (Chicago, Philly, Boston, Newark, etc.). They're basically just urban conservatives who got tired of living in liberal hell but don't wanna give up city life so they moved to large cities in conservative states. Same thing is happening in Texas, Florida, Idaho, Montana, North and South Carolina, etc. etc.
If you're dead set on moving to a different state though, the only one three I can think of that fit your criteria are Ohio, Montana, and Wyoming. Not really sure what kind of trees are in Ohio, but it pretty much matches the rest. Not the best gun laws, but pretty decent, snow is all but guaranteed to be a constant in the winter thanks to the great lakes, summers are pretty mild for the same reason, land is cheap outside of the urban metros, etc.
Montana is basically a larger Idaho for all intents and purposes, so that should tell you what it's like.
Wyoming would probably be the best to fit your criteria. Cheap land so long as you're not looking to buy a farm or several 1000 acres, lowest population of any state in the union, no income tax, decent amount of lakes, depending on where you are in the state, LOTS of spruce trees, Rocky Mountains in the Western and middle part of the state. Summers are decently mild, the occasional chill from wind and high elevation, and White Christmases are all but guaranteed. Some of the best gun laws in the country, and it's a haven for preppers and off grid types, especially in the mountains.
Thanks for the input. I'll most likely head to Ohio as it's closest to family and land is cheaper.
No problem, I've got family up there, and it's not exactly the best or worst state. Kind of that weird middle ground where very little actually happens because everything is so mild. The weather is probably the biggest thing, the great lake effect screws with the weather so much that, depending on the time of year, you can go from sunny and in the 70s-80s to below freezing and in the middle of a bilzzard in the same day in the winter. The summer is pretty mild though since the great lakes give off a "coastal breeze" effect that make it feel pretty mild regardless of temperature.
Also, you can broadcast insults across the water at Trudeau, so that's also a plus.