cathole953 1 point ago +1 / -0

I always assumed this was true. For the record I do buy lottery tickets every once in a while when the pot gets big enough to justify spending a few dollars a week (I refuse to buy more than one ticker per drawing for myself). But I never really believed all of that unclaimed prizes and taxes went to education. I always assumed it went into someone's slush fund or pocket.

I actually know a few people IRL who HAVE won the lottery, including the grand prize on those "Win X amount every week/day for life" lotteries, so I generally give them a little a bit of credit compared to other government backed organizations when it comes to legitimacy. But I always assumed it was never 100% on the up and up.

cathole953 0 points ago +1 / -1

Realistically, they'll do neither. There's people affected by fires in california from a decade ago that STILL don't have a home. They just signed up for government programs and live in government housing somewhere else in the state.

The people with money will go where they want (IE, the celebrities will stay there because they love the pedophile craphole and the rich business people will go where they want), but the average joe, liberal or conservative, has much fewer options.

Most people can't just pick up and move at the drop of a hat, ESPECIALLY after losing everything. All the stories you hear about liberals moving to some other state and overbidding on houses is because they were able to sell their massively overpriced coastal house in california which gave them the budget to do so.

These people can't do that. They have nothing, so the only thing they can rely on is any savings, assuming they have any. And thats gonna be drained pretty quickly on temp housing (hotels and the like) while they try to figure out WHAT to do.

It's kind of sad, but realistically, these people are probably gonna stay in california, but they're gonna end up in some craphole slum somewhere because it's they're only option as far as rent goes (whether its subsidized or not), because they probably DO still have jobs there, and it's not like they can go job hunting across the country without a means to actually travel to said job.

I highly doubt the majority will move to orange county either, it's one of the wealthiest (and most expensive) counties in the country. Even more so than LA county.

Besides, anyone who believes the words of a "celebrity realtor" is a moron anyway. This guy knows about as much as doorknob when it comes to normal real estate. He exclusively deals in $10 million+ celebrity houses in "exclusive" neighborhoods. They might sell one or two dozen houses a year, instead of the hundreds or thousands a normal realtor in southern california would.

TL;DR: This is a load of crap, and this fool doesn't know what he's talking about

cathole953 2 points ago +2 / -0

See the problem with that is that such companies have to pay what's called an "exit tax" It's roughly 24% of UNREALIZED GAINS. For the record a large portion of any publicly traded companies stock is held by the company itself. Thats what they usually pay bonuses in and where stock buybacks go. Being forced to dump a massive amount of that on the stock market overnight would crash their stock. And that's not even getting into all their physical and intellectual assets that're worth hundreds of billions. That would bankrupt pretty much any large corporation, especially tech companies that are worth upwards of a Trillion Dollars at this point.

Completely offshoring the company just isn't an option. What would be more likely is they would try and offshore as much as they can while keeping the actual company in the US, but that leads to other problems like latency, scheduling problems, etc. etc.

Truth be told, if you completely cut off the visas, they wouldn't have much choice but hire Americans. You can simply offshore the entire company without it resulting in either massive competency and efficiency problems because management is an entire 12+ hours ahead of the rest of the company in terms of physical time zones. Or they incur a massive exit tax that would essentially either bankrupt the company or result in such a large loss for the investors that it would be grounds for a class actions lawsuit because the C-Suite can be deemed to no longer be acting in the best interest of the investors.

cathole953 1 point ago +1 / -0

So after reading the posts and comments, I can confidently say that most people here don't understand what OP is wanting to know, and/or are biased in their own perspective.

First of all, OP seems to be talking specifically about those stupid "paper metal/collectible" companies. Where they sell you a certificate saying you own X amount of metal in a vault somewhere or try to sell you some stupid collectible at an absurd markup.

Those are scams plain and simple. You do technically own the metal in those cases, but they'll often make you jump through an unreasonable number of hoops to get access to your gold/silver int he paper case, and in the case of the "collectibles" they're marking it up like 100% or more because it has Trump's face on one side and an eagle on the other or some such retarded gimmick.

This is nothing new, these people have existed forever and they exist to take advantage of ignorant people who think they'll either get rich off it, or that they're hedging their money by paying a 100%+ premium on gold or silver. It's a scam, plain and simple.

As for the second part of the question, Yes, realistically there WILL be someone who will pay $5K an oz for gold, in all honesty probably MUCH higher. We've discussed this on here like a dozen times in the past year. Every month or so someone will bring up the topic of gold and silver prices, and for the most part we've come to a consenus.

When the SHTF, gold and silver WILL skyrocket, probably to unsustainable levels for a few months. The general consensus in the last handful of debates is that silver will probably hit somewhere between $5K-20K for a few months and gold will go between $50K-100K in the same period before crashing down to something more reasonable.

The reason for this is a combination of FOMO (normies hoping to strike it rich in the "next bitcoin"), ape behavior (Think GME/bitcoin), and market dynamics (Super low supply, but super high demand thanks to the previous points as well as governments buying up both metals for their new previous metals backed currencies).

Most people aren't wrong. Gold/silver IS a hedge against inflation, but to think that you can't make money on it, given the current market dynamics is dumb. I'll put my money where my mouth is and give a short version of the only comparable example we have to pull from.

In the 70s and 80s the Hunt Brothers caused a similar market effect. bought up roughly 40% of the worlds silver supply over the course of about 10 years, gradually lowering supply while demand kept growing. They were eventually found out, when it was revealed to the world that they owned 40% of the worlds silver supply, and that caused a massive buying spike as people flocked to buy it out of FOMO, thinking they could get, if not rich, make a good amount of money, by gettin in on the action.

This caused the price of silver to spike from a little over $10 in 1970 to just under $145 in 1980.

Here's a chart for reference: https://www.macrotrends.net/1470/historical-silver-prices-100-year-chart

Silver was NOT worth that much back then, but market dynamics made it keep growing until people refused to buy anymore. Keep in mind, this is a time period without any major financial crisis's (The gas crisis doesn't apply here), and no real major global conflicts (cold war never went hot obviously)

The same thing is gonna happen here, but on an infinitely higher scale. When the banks collapse, and the paper silver/gold market collapses (silver is the most naked shorted asset on earth to the tune of more than a quadrillion dollars being naked shorted annually by banks and hedge funds, gold gets the same treatment to a lower degree), combined with the threat of WW III, nuclear war, governmental collapse (the military is probably gonna have to clear out the governement and install a military junta temporarily, which will cause widespread panic about the USD), and most importantly, the collapse of the USD and US treasury market, and instead of looking at a 14.5 X increase, you're looking at easily several 100 X increases, if not more.

Now having said that, it's a lot more nuanced and complicated as to how we got those number. There's a whole lot more factors that go into the equation like how silver/gold supply has actually shrunk in the past 100 years for example, but that's a really dumbed down and shortened version, since I don't feel like typing it all out again for the upteenth time. FYI, this isn't me saying you should dump all you money in gold/silver because it'll make you rich. That's dumb, don't do that. Only buy what you can afford from EXCESS income. If/when silver/gold hit 5 digits or more you'll walk away with a decent nest egg from a few oz's. So there's no need to try and risk your livelihood on it. Just hedge like normal, and if/when it takes off, take the massive increases. It's that simple.

But I've ranted a bit. To answer your question, it's just a old scam, there's no grand conspiracy in THIS specifically. But there is evidence and precedent for a massive market increase right around the corner, especially with the upcoming financial collapse and reset that everyone knows HAS to happen in order to kill of the central bank system for good.

cathole953 3 points ago +3 / -0

And? Am I supposed to care? Not to sound like one of the socialist retards on reddit, but construction "bosses" typically fall into one of two categories from my understanding. Good, actual construction bosses, and greedy morons who do everything they can to squeeze a few extra bucks into their own pocket.

The Good ones actually hire Americans/and or legal migrants (green card holders who can actually speak English) and their work tends to be much higher quality. The more or less thrive on reputation alone, since they make less per project (given they have to actually pay their employees non slave wages and have to remain at least somewhat competitive). These are the companies that big developers tend to use for their commercial projects and rehabs since quality is better than quantity when it comes to large scale real estate projects like apartments, hotels, shopping centers, etc. You have to actually be able to attract renters/customers to your buildings and if it's all crappy then you'll be getting few to none.

These guys are also the ones that tend to build the nicer "stick built" homes you see these days. The ones that cost millions of dollars and often have completely custom designs. Mostly because the people who can afford to build stuff like that actually want a nice house, not something slapped together that "looks" nice for a few years before falling apart.

On the other hand, you have the ones this article is talking about are the construction equivalent of a slumlord (I mean this literally as this is the type of people slum lords would actually use). They quick fix everything, cut corners everywhere possible, and do everything they can to squeeze out a few extra dollars for their own pocket. That's why everything they build falls apart after a few years. It's quantity over quality. "How many crappy houses can we build in as short as period of time as possible?" They're almost entirely focused on residential housing, because pretty much no commercial sector clients will touch them. They have horrible reputations, but like u/Verumvalet pointed out, they often compete for the lowest big on things like insurance claims, which are notorious for cheaping out as much as possible. They focus almost exclusively on residential buildings since they can pump them out in much higher quantities, so they often put in bids for subdivisions as well.

On the plus side, the latter is overwhelming outnumbered by the former. A quick google search tells you that between 13-30% (depending on the source) of construction workers are illegals. From what I gathered, it seems that roughly 30% of workers are immigrants, but only about 13-15% are illegal, with the rest being legal green card holders. So in reality, this wouldn't really effect anyone in any meaningful way.

The only thing it would really do it cut down on those crappy cookie cutter subdivisions where the houses fall apart after a few years (Think DR Horton Sub contractors). Which wouldn't affect 99% of people because most people with two braincells to rub together wouldn't touch those houses with a 10 foot pole anyway.

Tl;DR: The only ones effected are shady contractors who shouldn't be in business in the first place, who make up a small part of the market.

cathole953 5 points ago +5 / -0

I agree with the for the most part, but it doesn't man there isn't gonig to be a "massive event". I see it more as a snowball rolling down a hill. Slow build up at first, but by the end of the precipice we'll have a "scare event" that's so great in scale it'll become a generation defining moment.

Think like, the great depression, the world wars, civil war, revolutionary war, etc.

Something most certainly IS coming. There's no way to achieve a full reset of the government, financial system, etc. otherwise.

Just look at how much opposition Trump is still facing, even from his own party. And they're still cheating in california, NY, and all the swing states (look at the senator races).

We "won" but they haven't been beaten yet. Q ALSO said we'd witness the death of the "D" party, but they're not dead yet. Defeated for the moment yes, but not dead. The D's and RINOs are still here, and still preventing Trumps agenda from going all in.

Ergo, we HAVE to have a massive scale event that would justify eliminating 99% of congress and state level government officials. Otherwise we'll have 4 more decent years under Trump and be back to square one.

cathole953 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'm gonna play devils advocate here and say 99% of people here have no idea what they're talking about.

Usury is not the charging of ANY interest. It's the charging of unreasonable, predatory interest.

For example, there's a difference between a bank loan and a loan shark.

A bank loan (these numbers are made up for the sake of convenience), would be like 5% annually of the principle. That's it, if you borrow 100K, you off 5K a year. Part of your payments goes to paying down the principle so over the course of the loan, your interest payments gradually decrease. So to continue the example, say you pay down 5K in principle over the course a year. In year two of your loan, you owe 5% of 95K, or 4750.

In other words, in a normal loan, the amount of interest charged, effectively decreases over the life of the loan. There's nothing wrong with this, as that's how it's been ever since biblical times. Businesses need loans, banks have to make money, people should be compensated for lending what is theirs for others to use.

Usury is something completely different. Usury is the act of charging unreasonable interest or using predatory tactics to increase the debt massively in a short amount of time. For example, take 1K, in this case the interest rate may be 400% (usury is commonly 300-1000% interest rate) and it will compound. Meaning every month you don't pay it off completely the debt increases. So in this case, assume you only paid the interest for a single month (since often usury creditors will let you do that), your debt has now quadrupled to $4K, one more month, and it's $8K, month three and it's $16K, and so on and so forth.

Now you should be able to see a clear difference here. Usury is unreasonable, in that it literally creates a debt slave that can never get out of debt. A normal loan actually decreases in value over the life of the loan. And yes, I know in my example of a business loan the interest rate would more likely be in the 15-20% range, but thats to account for risk. Short term loans (a year or less) typically have higher interest rates because theres more risk involved for the lender and they come with a balloon payment at the end.

I'm ranting now, but my point stands. Most people don't know what usury actually is, and just claim any kind of credit/debt is usury. It's not, credit and debt IS an important part of any economy. If you couldn't get a loan, everyone would have to save up every penny needed to start a small business, or buy a rental property, etc. And if you eliminated "lending for profit" like some seem to want, then there's no incentive for people to allow for their money to be lent out, as they're taking on the risk of losing their money for zero incentive. Likewise, how would banks and credit unions function? How would they pay their employees?

Finally, something most people don't know, most states HAVE Ani-Usury laws. As far as how high the interest rate can be on things like loans to individuals, mortgages, and even business loans to small businesses. Medium and large businesses (typically those with incomes above 100 million) have different rules and they CAN get pretty high, but that's because the scale of money being borrowed is greater. Likewise subprime lenders (lenders who give loans to people and businesses with bad credit) can usually charge stupid high rates, but again, its because of the risk associated with lending to such people, and even this its still capped at somewhere around 40%. And in most places, charging compound interest on a loan is just straight illegal regardless of who you're loaning to.

TL;DR: People don't know what Usury actually is, and need to learn the difference between Usury and regular credit/loans.

cathole953 3 points ago +3 / -0

Tulsa and West Virginia are kind of known for being the only two states which are 100% one party when it comes to voting and they're both super red. Even the cities in both states have a red tint to them. Tulsa and OKC for example, have been known to actually vote for the republican in presidential elections. They DO occasionally vote for a liberal on the local and state level, but that's not a guarantee. And even then, there's a lot of talk about cheating in the cities, like every where else in the country. And those local and state level elections often come down to less than 20K votes, so that's stupid easy to cheat one person in on those elections.

Get rid of the cheating, and both states would probably be literally 100% red at the federal, state, and local level.

cathole953 2 points ago +2 / -0

The problem with this thought process, is it assumes those votes are all legitimate. It's obvious to anyone with basic common sense that states like CA, OR, WA, NY, CO, etc. are still subject to rampant voter fraud and corruption. Truth be told MN, MI, WI, PA, AZ, GA, etc. still are as well, it just wasn't allowed to be AS bad this time.

This is why I keep saying that I think this is just one step towards the deep state performing an attempted coup and starting a constitutional crisis in order to stay in power. We may have won, but there's still too much corruption in too many states to think this is over. We need a clean slate reset, and the only way to achieve that is to have military intervention.

cathole953 1 point ago +1 / -0

Personally, I think they're gonna try to perform a coup by refusing to confirm Trump as President by using the 14th amendment, so some other such hogwash. Which will then trigger a constitutional crisis, and bring in the military.

If you think about it, it lines up since that's pretty much the only way we can get the actual military involved without Trump actually looking like a dictator, plus if Trump just comes in and "fixes" everything, we won't get the financial collapse and reset we all know is coming. But we most certainly would if the cabal tries to perform a coup in the USA.

Beyond that there's no legal route to fix states like California, New York, Illinois, Washington, Oregon, etc. that we KNOW are probably red, but have become so corrupt over the years that they basically live under a dictatorship.

The federal government can't just come in and force states to change, especially if the state level government is resistant or in the case of these states, just outright refuses to comply with federal law (CA for example, has a history of just outright ignoring pro gun supreme court rulings and enforcing illegal laws).

So there HAS to be some kind of crisis to get the military involved and force them to perform a nation wide cleanup. Otherwise, we'll never get rid of these people completely.

cathole953 3 points ago +3 / -0

Let's be honest, that'll never happen until a post cabal world. Even if we beat the cheating in the swing states, which we appear to be doing since NC, GA, and OH have been called for Trump, that doesn't help in the "deep blue" strong holds like IL, CA, NY, WA, etc.

Those places have a stranglehold on everything, and the only way to stop the cheating in THOSE states is to cut the head off the snake, which is only possible with a military coup and military tribunals. It'll never happen if that doesn't occur, and the way I see it, the path I've put forward is probably the most likely route to that outcome.

cathole953 7 points ago +7 / -0

Honestly? I think it just matters that he wins because if he wins it'll be the catalyst to their fall.

I posted about this a couple days ago, but I think he'll win, and we'll win the house and senate, but they'll basically perform a coupe and try to not let him take office by refusing to confirm him, which will be the catalyst for the military coupe Q talked about, which will then be the catalyst for the financial collapse, which will lay the ground for a "patriotic reset".

Basically, this is first in a series of dominos that will FINALLY kill of the deep state cabal and lead to the mass arrests/executions we've all been salivating for.

So I don't think it matters if it's close, it just matters that it happens.

cathole953 2 points ago +2 / -0

I've come to the conclusion their maps are bullcrap and they're just pulling a 2020 fox news and calling stuff at random to try and project what they're hoping. I don't have a screen shot since my computers messed up, but earlier they were calling ohio for the hoe with like 30% reporting, and then they only flipped it to Trump when it became obvious that Ohio was going red

cathole953 1 point ago +1 / -0

Fairfax is sitting at 68%, BUT Loudon and Prince William are at 95%+ which means they're basically done, and there's like a dozen rural deep red counties that haven't even started reporting yet. This whole thing is weird.

Someone else mentioned how they noticed a lot of deep red rural counties all over the country appear to be holding back their votes for some reason. Usually these are the first counties to report since they only have a few hundred thousand people combined across all counties in any given state. So the fact that they're all holding back is odd.

cathole953 4 points ago +4 / -0

Apologies for the crappy pic, my computers a bit messed up at the moment so I had to use my phone

cathole953 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not the point, they do things they "can't" do all the time. The point is that's what they've been talking about for a while now and that specific point has been pushed heavily as of late. It doesn't matter if it's "legal" or not, they'll try it and that will be their justification.

The alternative to NOT doing something like this is them dying. A cornered animal doesn't care about anything other than survival, and it'll lash out irrationally.

cathole953 5 points ago +5 / -0

Another good point, but yeah. I think this is the most likely scenario, we keep hearing rumors about how the dems have given up and shifted funding from the hoes campaign to other things.

Assuming that's true (and it probably is), that tells me this is probably even more likely since they're gearing up to hire the single most slimy, disgusting, horde of soulless lawyers ever to disgrace a court room in order to try and use every legal loophole possible to keep Trump out of office and cause a constitutional crisis in order to prevent their own execution.

cathole953 1 point ago +1 / -0

Honestly? It wouldn't make a difference since Lucy is the feminine version of luce, but if I were to hazard a guess, I'd say either its a DEI hire who named it and did the bare minimum for research, or it's on purpose because of the connotations of the male version of the name

cathole953 2 points ago +2 / -0

Not saying it isn't creepy or weird since they could have picked literally any other name, but luce literally does mean light. lucifer literally translated means "light bringer".

So they're not lying about that, but still super weird and creepy. It's almost too obvious at this point.

cathole953 4 points ago +4 / -0

As far as I'm aware most of that silver is being held on behalf of clients for their private banking sector. Ergo, it's not actually "theirs", they're just custodians of it and are holding it in their vaults on behalf of their customers.

Last time I saw anything, JP Morgan was up there with the biggest silver naked short sellers on the planet. Once the squeeze happens, I'd imagine all the major "big" banks will fall, and tank the entire international system with them.

In all honesty, the only "big" bank I see surviving this, is ironically enough, are the big intenational swiss banks. After they had that debacle a couple years ago where one of their big banks almost failed and UBS had to buy it out to save it, they reigned in their entire banking sector with an iron fist since that's literally their biggest industry.

So swiss banks are now deleveraged quite a bit, and they're also not in the shorting/naked shorting game anymore. They're most just doing the absolute lowest risk investments possible outside of their private banking sectors, but that only caters to uber wealthy people.

So UBS, and other Swiss banks are probably gonna come out like a bandit, but otherwise, I think we're gonna see the end of most large bank monopolies, alongside a skyrocketing silver price.

cathole953 2 points ago +2 / -0

I don't see a world in which NY flips red, but CO, OR, and WA DON'T. I can MAYBE see them still stealing CA, but I can't see NY going red but the others states not. O d also say a lot of these states SHOULD be redder, like, Texas, NC, GA, etc.

cathole953 2 points ago +2 / -0

I personally don't believe it. Shelby County is Memphis, which is one of only two majority black counties in the entire state of Tennessee. So I'm like 90% certain this is nothing more than them trying to get ahead of the narrative when the county flips red/purple for the first time in decades because of all the blacks voting red en masse.

There's no world in which they'd willingly switch D votes to R in THIS election of all things. So I'm almost certain it's just them getting ahead of the narrative.

cathole953 0 points ago +1 / -1

Alright post a single video showing thousands of dead bodies and I'll retract my statements. And most of the mud HAS been removed from the actual towns and cities, how else do you think they're starting recovery and rebuilding.

Also nice jump in logic saying we should stop aid, your words not mine moron. In all honesty I think more people are going to die due to government interference than from the actual flood. ID, lack of aid to cancer patients, diabetics, the elderly, etc.

But sure, put words in my mouth I never said because I pointed out a lack of evidence for any of these claims, whose the retard exactly?

cathole953 1 point ago +3 / -2

As I'm originally from the Virginia area right smack between the two areas and frequently traveled to both areas my entire life, yeah I know EXACTLY what the terrain is like.

As for the rest of your points, there's multiple videos on youtube of people asking those on the ground in places like Chimney rock about the "smell of death" and they're saying its all a lie, and pointing to the multiple freaking building sized pile of ruined propane tanks, which is on video, for the smell. Which is entirely true, propane smells just like a rotting corpse. And since you mentioned ashville, consider that most restaurants use gas stoves and have on site gas supplies, which would also add to the mix since methane doesn't smell much better.

I didn't say the death count wasn't higher than reported, I'm sure at least the first point you made is right, though I will contest it a bit since most of the mud has been removed at this point and locals on video on youtube aren't talking about mountains of bodies being found. However, everything else is pretty much wrong. SOMEONE, somewhere, would have broken protocol, and leaked videos or pictures of these bodies. And that's assuming you're correct about the military or police guarding them, but that also has several holes.

First of all the military isn't involved at all. That's one of the biggest controversies here, because biden won't let them get involved. The only military involved are state national guard from various states sent to help clean under governor's orders from their respective states. And they have basically zero authority to do anything other obey local sheriffs.

Which leads to the second hole in this police/military theory, the local police. Most local police, especially in NC, are VERY vocal about opposing the feds at this point, or are we just ignoring all of sheriffs threatening to arrest FEMA and other feds if they disrupt rescue and aid efforts? I doubt the people threatening to arrest the feds, would comply with some kind of conspiracy to hide tens of thousands of dead bodies.

You can try and argue this all you want, but we live in the 21st century, bigfoot rules don't work anymore. if you want to claim something like this you can't just use third hand accounts with zero evidence to back it up. Heck, even an audio recording of people "on site" with all the bodies talking about it would be SOMETHING but we don't even have that. Just people who keep repeating stories from unnamed third party sources with zero proof other than "trust me bro".

Sorry, but it doesn't work that way. I'm absolutely certain the total death count is higher, but I'm not believing this mess of every hospital in Western NC and East TN being filled to the brim with bodies (the latter I know is a lie as I was in several hospitals in the area recently) until some kind of proof surfaces other than someone on the internet saying "trust me bro" when there are literal videos of actual people on the ground saying otherwise on youtube and everywhere else.

cathole953 3 points ago +4 / -1

Call me a contrarian, but I'm getting tired of all this talk of tens out thousands of dead with zero proof other than third hand information. I'm not saying they're not underreporting, in fact I'm sure they are. But for pete's sake SOMEONE would have posted a video or picture of these supposed thousands of filled body bags.

Some guy on here made a post about some hospital in Boon NC being filled with something like 2000 bodies with refrigerated trucks outside being full too and them running out of room for bodies.

But where's the freaking proof? I mean, come on guys, it's not THAT hard to take a freaking picture or video with a phone and post it to twitter or rumble or something, or heck, HERE!

You can't hide this level of supposed death, tens of thousands of bodies are not something you can hide. SOMEONE would have a single freaking picture or video of it by now. You can't just claim something like this off of third hand information because someone "on the ground" was told it by someone they know who lives there.

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