I visit my brother in prison once a week and up untill today I would visit him in person with a contect visit. Meaning face to face and we can hug. TDCJ Ramsey unit just changed their policy to make it so only vaccinated inmates can get full contact visits essentially mandating the vaccine for contact visits for the inmates. He has major heart issues and religious resons for not getting the "vaccine". He is one of very few i mates that are still unvaccinated, so it appears ti be a rule simply to harm him for his choice.
Abbot signed an order preventing any entitiy public or private from mandating the vaccine in yet TDCJ is mandating it for visitation.
The vaccines are under EUA so they cant be mandated for that reason as well.
What can I do? Please help.
Definitely report this to your state Attorney General. I just got on the site and they’ve got a running list of violators- check and see if the prison is on it. The only thing I’d be wary of is if they would try and retaliate against your brother. At this point I don’t put anything past these soulless marxist beasts.
Also, America’s Frontline Doctors has some legal resources that might be helpful. Contact them as well.