While many Italian communists were looked down on by their more strident marxist comrades in other countries, there was one Italian who, while in prison for being a marxist, authored two volumes which in essence said, "Instead of attacking the West head-on, we need to identify and infiltrate Western institutions and culture which make her strong". Gramsci advocated a decades long assault on the traditional family unit -- feminisation of the family, homosexuality and disordered forms of sexuality, which over time led to pornography, contraception, divorce, and eventually abortion. His blueprint, in kernel form, suggested infiltrating the churches, schools and universities, media, art, and entertainment, and government institutions.
Waves of initially covert "agents of change" were sent Westward -- into the seminaries and universities, as a perverse "leaven" -- not to lift society but to degrade and weaken it. Initial agents lifted each other into rising positions of influence, identifying and recruiting allies (whether gullible or intelligent -- both could be used), and spread their ideas and recruits like mushroom spores, to any institutions they could infiltrate.
Some in the West caught on and attempted to warn and to put a stop to this -- the term McCarthyism was coined to direct ridicule, coming from Hollywood and the media, against anyone daring to call out communist sympathizers and supporters.
At present time, one could say those embracing Gramsci's strategies have succeeded, perhaps even beyond what levels they might have imagined -- the West teeters now at the precipice, the last bulwark against a worldwide onslaught of diabolical evil, seeking to enslave and control mankind.
In this great battle against the DS and their marxist battering ram, and even at this late point, it is helpful to know some of the origins of what our Western culture -- our families and institutions, have faced and are facing.
A bit of sauce:
Here is a link to national geographic article about Lenin murdering countrymen in 1920-21 https://www.nationalgeographic.com/history/article/red-terror-set-macabre-course-soviet-union
I think you are avoiding the fact that Gramsci had plenty of evidence what was afoot with communism in Russia, and yet chose to support it by his writing. Just because he may not have spelled things out in terms a first grader could follow does not exempt him from a proper assessment of his role — which as I have mentioned is admitted to by communists since then. They rightly did and do view his work as seminal to infiltrating the west — not in some abstract sense, but in fact and in reality. And the evidence of how far that corruption spread is plainly visible all around us.
Europeans didn't even have radios in the 20s, none of that means anything to me. Lol just READ GRAMSCI jesus