posted ago by hippielouie ago by hippielouie +33 / -0

non-standard definition-what is EVERGREENING? (X22)

think Don jr twit on hrc bday, connecting her to vax?


The lines are drawn.


Define Renegade [Hussein USSS code name].

Standard definition.

Define Evergreen [HRC USSS code name]

**Non-standard defintion

Think depopulation.**

The Silent War continues…


EverGreening: An Abuse of the Patent System- India https://www.lawctopus.com/academike/evergreening-an-abuse-of-the-patent-system/

"Evergreening’ is in fact a range of highly obscure practices particularly used by drug manufacturers, particularly to control competition from possible cheaper generic equivalents. However virtually all nations including the United States got anti-Evergreening legislation because of the increasing strain on the state obligations to the bare minimal public health provisioning due to their colossal spending on the pharmaceutical drugs."- https://www.quora.com/Does-evergreening-of-pharma-patents-restrict-generics-of-the-earlier-version-of-the-patented-drug-If-not-then-why-is-there-such-a-strong-support-against-evergreening
