Hope you can see this response since you blocked me. no one is saying latitude and longitude don't work on a globe theory.
Can you wrap your mind around that not mattering since you trust everything else you are told from the same people who made the instruments and are making trillions continuing the lie. Anyone that can't admit to being programmed from birth is still catching up.
Seeking knowledge doesn't start with group think "everyone here knows".
You claim secret society fags spread flat earth, but a search on secret society owned Google or Youtube shows they prefer refuting it.
Given their Satanist ways I trust the bible more than government mandated indoctrination school, but everyone is free to choose.
Envision learning to count, the way THOUSANDS of children have done,
so they can get sailing and cross country navigation medals and ribbons.
14 to 16 year old boys and girls get medals for being able to understand how longitude and latitude are derived,
and through this, locating themselves on the planet in tests
for sailing,
cross country navigation,
piloting aircraft,
and even astronomy.
have never so much as bothered
how they are derived.
Y.o.u. are the one who never even considered just - LOOKING UP what makes people SAY it's ROUND.
Longitude and latitude say it's round.
You will not ever, as long as you shall live,
refute a single symbol of a single word of it.
That's over. You WILL not refute that,
in ANY way. You will not refute some fraction of it.
Longitude and latitude can O.N.L.Y. be DERIVED accurately for
(1) a SPHERE
(2) a specific, unchanging diameter.
Hope you can see this response since you blocked me. no one is saying latitude and longitude don't work on a globe theory.
Can you wrap your mind around that not mattering since you trust everything else you are told from the same people who made the instruments and are making trillions continuing the lie. Anyone that can't admit to being programmed from birth is still catching up.
I am not into blind trust anymore.