The lowest gas prices had to do with people not driving to work anymore while Saudi Arabia and Russia were in an oil price war. Sometimes domestic production reduces oil prices, but not like the pandemic and opec issues do. Oil is a world market.
Taxes haven't gone up yet.
While illegals are expensive, their labor makes things a little less expensive. Especially in the agricultural industry.
We aren't an economy based on beef prices. And cattle prices have been nearly flat for about 3 years.
There are things that will save us 20 to 40 percent: Like a crash in land values. A real pandemic. The automation Andrew Yang promised us. Or free unlimited electricity.
Saying something will happen and not giving real reasons for it means it will not happen. You might as well believe in Santa Claus.
The lowest gas prices had to do with people not driving to work anymore while Saudi Arabia and Russia were in an oil price war. Sometimes domestic production reduces oil prices, but not like the pandemic and opec issues do. Oil is a world market.
Taxes haven't gone up yet.
While illegals are expensive, their labor makes things a little less expensive. Especially in the agricultural industry.
We aren't an economy based on beef prices. And cattle prices have been nearly flat for about 3 years.
There are things that will save us 20 to 40 percent: Like a crash in land values. A real pandemic. The automation Andrew Yang promised us. Or free unlimited electricity.
Saying something will happen and not giving real reasons for it means it will not happen. You might as well believe in Santa Claus.