The cabal’s plans always effect several solutions with a single mechanism. For instance, the mechanism is the vaccine. We all suspect the purpose of the vax is depopulation. No mandates were expected initially because the cabal anticipated a higher participation rate. When that didn’t happen the mandates were enacted. But why would the cabal sabotage their own control over institutions and agencies by forcing the vax on their drones.
Because they are not.
With the level of infiltration of these institutions and agencies by the DS discrimination between sympathizers and patriots/unknowns is rather academic. Only the latter groups will be forced to get jabbed while the former will be given a pass. How far does this conspiracy go in governments and corporations?
Can’t control the world if your drones are all dead.
Depopulation. Purge of institutions and agencies of non-loyal personnel.
Well, Obama re-legalized propaganda, so it's pretty much 100% legal for them to lie about vaccine mandates or who has or hasn't gotten the vax within those departments.
License to lie
How would you know who got the legit vaccine dose? They can just pick and choose which groups get the saline
Or they lie and just say they are vaxxed when they are not.