posted ago by 031174 ago by 031174 +13 / -0

He gets up afore the sun,everyday.Maintains the truck,thaws it out,feeds,doctor's,moves the stock,shoots a coyote,checks it for rabies,changes the water,fixs the gate,maintenances the water pump,pulls the eggs,milks.Brings a load of firewood,throws out tomorrow's hay,refills the feed bunker.Mourns the child he had to cutoff from the family due to meth use.Checks the mail for letter from the child in the military.Stops at grave and mourns his truck dog,a dog he had to kill for chasing stock.He isn't will educated,maybe an associates degree,goes to church sometimes,mostly for the kids.He won't deny them a belief system,figures they'll sort that out when their grown.Sure hates that meth.Comes in for breakfast,eats with grandma,mom and the kids,reviews the kids chores for when they get home.Drives them to school bus.Goes home,has coffee,cleans his rifle,checks with mama for a honey due list.Goes to work on barn roof.Changes the tractor oil and fires her up.Gonna need a new starter afore harvest.Goes out to check graze and patch stock tank,tighten some fence wire,refills the deer feeder.Wishes he knew who started his boy on meth,thinking about deer hunting on boys first buck.Stopped to pray for that boy.Killed a skunk,hoped it was the one spookin up the dogs last night.Checked for prairie dog holes, don't need to lose no calves this year,what with grandma's cancer.He ain't very bible thumpin,but he's pretty set on a couple verses from the book,that an a country saying his great grandpa taught him."You will know them by their fruit","an eye for an eye"you can kill a theif in your house when the watch is asleep.And"it don't matter what skunk bit your dog and give him the rabies,you still got to shoot your dog!Made him sad thinking about his truck dog.Killed a rattler by the gate.Looked like time to get the kids.Driven up to the stop,he noticed a Biden sign in old Wills rent house lawn.He thought people are a lot like truck dogs,lick your face,sit in the truck while you work,then chase stock when you can't see em.He reckoned that time was coming.He double checked with the kids what school was teaching.Yup, he's awake now,but not like them"woke"folks,he is your sure enough your huckleberry though.