208 Anyone Want A Free Hat? :-P (media.greatawakening.win) posted 3 years ago by LoneWulf 3 years ago by LoneWulf +209 / -1 27 comments download share 27 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
You laugh, but tin foil does block electromagnetic frequencies.
Hey, no arguments here, fren. I've got my hat on now.
Tinfoil hats are a government conspiracy.
We fed them disinformation along with giving them a box of an inferior alloy.
For years aluminum foil was called tinfoil. Thus tinfoil hat. You young whippersnapper, you.
... and today we have tins made out of either steel or aluminium. A glass can be plastic. Life is getting very confusing.
LOL Yep.
I never saw actual tin foil but it's what my parents and grandparents called aluminum foil. And I was a whippersnapper in the '50s too.
Fluoride is a by-product of aluminum manufacturing with it being the main active ingredient in Prozac and the municipal water supply.
Well, the generic is called Fluoxitine and the molecule has three fluorine atoms hanging off one side...
still works to block EMF. I always call it tinfoil, but yes it's aluminum.
Those who mock us as tin-foil hat wearing conspiracy theorist are injecting snake oil into their arm. Kek.
I prefer the industrial grade stuff, it's got a comforting thickness, except on Sundays, gotta have a fancy hat on Sunday . https://files.catbox.moe/219awh.jpg
Nice hat! I need one like that.
Lmao it took an embarrassing # of seconds for that to click🐸
You'd better make your hat with two layers of tin foil. It's obvious that the aliens are blocking your brainwaves, fren. ;-)
More power to them... ignorance is bliss, right?😁Wait, I guess I'm on the wrong site for that...2 layers it is!👌
I remember once on Reddit Conspiracy someone accused me of going "full tinfoil". I thought, "now that's a compliment".
They booted me off as soon as Covid was coming down the pipeline. Reddit is complicit in the attempted Genocide.