Sounds like 'Sheriff Joe' Arapaio is running this prison with the bologna sandwiches comment... but It's puzzling how some of these 'Patriots' think they are 'Revolution ready' and then whine about prison where he mentions getting 3 meals a day (although not up to his standards) phone TV, internet, commissary and visitation priveleges. Is he a crisis actor? It goes to show why the Military is going to have to do this or it's not going to habben. Do people think the Revolution will be easy?
Read Darkness at Noon by Arthur Koestler-this is a tale of terror and torture that has been revived in this DC prison. Trickle down tyranny at its total worst...
Sounds like 'Sheriff Joe' Arapaio is running this prison with the bologna sandwiches comment... but It's puzzling how some of these 'Patriots' think they are 'Revolution ready' and then whine about prison where he mentions getting 3 meals a day (although not up to his standards) phone TV, internet, commissary and visitation priveleges. Is he a crisis actor? It goes to show why the Military is going to have to do this or it's not going to habben. Do people think the Revolution will be easy?
Read Darkness at Noon by Arthur Koestler-this is a tale of terror and torture that has been revived in this DC prison. Trickle down tyranny at its total worst...
Read Arthur Koestler "The Thirteenth Tribe" very revealing....