I have been watching this movie for over a year (before that I was mostly asleep). I started to really wake up when I saw the people dropping dead in Wuhan. I could tell it was meant to be a really big thing (t.v. coverage almost 24/7), and People just do not fall over dead from a virus (unless ia causes heart attacks). Knew they was gearing up to steal the election (everyone pushing mail-in voting). Went on HcQ early (caught something in feb 2021). Then heard about Q. Been down so many rabbit holes, and found out so much (some things still shake me). Lost a job in June because i would not get the shot (the Japanese are the most scared). Went on the road trying to wake people up, with handouts, I am cheap, and old-school. Most of my family think I am crazy, one sister wont even talk to me, she's waking up though. I still try to wake people up. For the last couple of weeks, I have started putting people in categories. It is getting a little easier to spot those who will NEVER wake up, Just been trying to get them to stay away from hospitals, and stay open minded. Those that are already open=minded I have been trying to spend a little more time on and find something in the plan that makes them want to learn more...My flyer still works.I do think besides the 4-6% that will never wake up (which I think is at least 10%)their are around 40-50% who will have a really hard time with what they are about to learn. I am even worried about a percentage who will turn violent. Does any other pede here know of any plans for the (troublemakers?). These will probable be the quadruple jabbed leftist college students, or graduates? As for myself, I am at peace. I still, with all this declas, get thrown for a loop; but it is easier to figure it out and accept. You fellow pedes have help a whole lot and I still want to set up BBQ's around the country when this is all over. From an old-salt: BZ BZ (great job)
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Thank you for what you are doing.