I live in West Virginia...I have been working by the theory that the drug companies have been shipping more placebo vaccines to the fly over states. They would need to do this in order to Kill the largest numbers of people. Anyway, most of my family is vaxxed, due to a niece who gives the shots for a clinic here. I have been sort of (in my lawman way) testing them.
- does my cell phone pick up a wifi signal off of them?
- do they have magnetic properties?
- does their viens glow when exposed to bright ultraviolet light?
- is thier blood normal red, or darker? My question is: Is it possible that a nurse could "steer" the placebo shots to certain people? It seems that most of my family tests neg. on all 4 unscientific "tests" What does other pedes think about my fly-over state theory?
Most of us who are on greatawakening.win are certainly viewed as "slightly off".
We're the one's not asleep while watching the left slowly implode. Only wish they'd implode faster.