Obviously can't post this on the CFS or nootropics subreddits because ivermectin is censored there so I decided to post here. Has anyone who suffers from brainfog, chronic fatigue syndrome, or just general lack of cognitive utilization benefited from taking Ivermectin, regardless of covid/flu status?
Also, if you have solved your brainfog/CFS through other means, I would love to hear your methods. Modern medicine has failed me.
Also, has it helped anyone with OCD (Pure-O variant) and/or intrusive thoughts?
no, but I've probably been exposed to shedding at work. I've had these issues years before this whole covid scam anyway.
Around June I started getting brain fog and vertigo only late at night for whatever reason. That went on for a few weeks and slowly got worse with more symptoms by the week. Started taking the vitamin regimen but after roughly 3 weeks of daily use It got to the point where I felt like I shouldn't even be driving.
At age 35 I have never had the flu or any sickness where I had to go to the Dr. Just a rare cough or runny nose in the winter. I could see getting sick like that during winter possibly but not the middle of summer.
I tried FLD but had issues getting the script filled. I was now at the point where I was kind of scared and I felt I had to do somthing different and quick.
Ended up with the horse variety because I wasn't trying to wait 3 weeks for a script from India. I still put it off another week because I had 0 confidence IVM would actually work.
Took my first dose and started feeling a little better in about 4 hours. It took about 10 days for almost everything to go away besides lethargy but that was gone by end of week 2.
For what its worth i was living my life as if the virus didn't exist. I now take IVM bi-weekly and feel better than before I got sick. I also changed my eating habits (mainly cutting out sugar) when I felt better so I'm sure that has contributed to feeling better too.