Obviously can't post this on the CFS or nootropics subreddits because ivermectin is censored there so I decided to post here. Has anyone who suffers from brainfog, chronic fatigue syndrome, or just general lack of cognitive utilization benefited from taking Ivermectin, regardless of covid/flu status?
Also, if you have solved your brainfog/CFS through other means, I would love to hear your methods. Modern medicine has failed me.
Also, has it helped anyone with OCD (Pure-O variant) and/or intrusive thoughts?
Depending on how much you want to change your habits, a pure keto diet has been proven to help many neurodegenerative disorders. Ketones are a better fuel than glucose and can help heal certain types of brain damage.
Here are some articles: https://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&as_sdt=0%2C45&q=ketogenic+diet+traumatic+brain+injury&oq=ketogenic+diet+tra