Veterinarian ivermectin, dog food,etc can, theoretically, be consumed by humans. But one very important thing that nobody talked about here, is that these products are designed with non-human bodies in mind, which means that they pass through different quality control standards (normally way more lax than the human stuff), and might contain ingredients that might cause unwanted reactions or adverse effects, because us humans were not supposed to be consuming them in the first place.Also the dosage, in ivermectin's case, was calculated with a horse's metabolism in mind, so remember that a horse is several times taller and heavier than you, and has a different immune system (horses can be only mildly annoyed by a dose of rattlesnake venom that could kill a normal human, that's why their plasma is used to manufacture anti-snake serums.)
That's why I'm strongly advising against consuming horse ivermectin unless you strongly suspect you or someone close to you has the coof, and you made sure you exhausted every other possible way of getting yourself any regular HCQ or ivermectin pills. Stay safe, be smart. And God bless you all, patriots
Not saying it cannot be consumed, just that is has far lower quality control than the human version, and thus should be left only for emergencies,which could be coming real soon with all these shortages around.
but what is your source?
There was stuff like this floating around a few months ago when the horse paste first gained notoriety, all cut and paste from a National Geographic article that didn't list any sources. How convenient.
I dispute the 'lower quality control' concept. We're all mammals and no biological system can adapt to or sustain a lifetime's ingestion of crappy products. People with mega-thousand-dollar horses, dogs and cats would not take kindly to their animals dropping over dead due to lack of quality control, nor would any of the regular people who love their mongrel pets.
My thoughts as well.
1M is more than most people's life insurance so do you treat a million dollar stud with human pills or the stuff made for it? I assume you use horse paste. So if it's good enough for something deemed more valuable than my life it's probably not low quality control.