“The union district has hired a Texas-based lawyer to assist employees and prepare potential lawsuits against the companies should requests for medical or religious exemptions to vaccination be denied. A life-long Democrat, Adams said he would no longer vote for the party. "They'll never get another vote from me and I'm telling the workers here the same thing."
As a former boeing employee and IAM 751 member. I can tell you that the union is super liberal and the companies bitch.
Yeah, I worked in Everett Plant back in the 80’s. 747/767 lines. I was young & clueless about politics then.
“The union district has hired a Texas-based lawyer to assist employees and prepare potential lawsuits against the companies should requests for medical or religious exemptions to vaccination be denied. A life-long Democrat, Adams said he would no longer vote for the party. "They'll never get another vote from me and I'm telling the workers here the same thing."
Yep...bout time Unions wake the heck-UP!! The economy can’t take much more.
Yeah union reps came out to my job site and told us to vote for killary and wanted donations. I told them to fuck off.
GOOD. As it should be. It’s not a Union President vote FFS!!