They're trying to come here and tell us how awful he is and that he is a traitor before he's even sworn in. Look at all the posts trying to push "He's a fake rino! He lied!" before we even get to see him in action.
For heaven's sake, let the republicans actually be in office before you decide what they are. It's the silliest thing ever, "He was this and that! Clearly a traitor to us!"
Um... Trump's past history didn't make him look like a strong conservative either. He attended Chelsea Clinton's wedding and hung with Al Shaprton. We know now he was on our side.
Yes, sometimes people had to work in that world. You can just here the handshakes rushing over here from reddit to say "Don't get too happy you won! He can't be trusted!"
They're so bitter.
I'll make my judgement WHEN Youngkin is actually sworn in as governor and has a chance to make actual decisions. If I don't like those decisions, then I'll judge based on his REAL actions. Not stupid hypotheticals.
They're trying to come here and tell us how awful he is and that he is a traitor before he's even sworn in. Look at all the posts trying to push "He's a fake rino! He lied!" before we even get to see him in action.
For heaven's sake, let the republicans actually be in office before you decide what they are. It's the silliest thing ever, "He was this and that! Clearly a traitor to us!"
Um... Trump's past history didn't make him look like a strong conservative either. He attended Chelsea Clinton's wedding and hung with Al Shaprton. We know now he was on our side.
Yes, sometimes people had to work in that world. You can just here the handshakes rushing over here from reddit to say "Don't get too happy you won! He can't be trusted!"
They're so bitter.
I'll make my judgement WHEN Youngkin is actually sworn in as governor and has a chance to make actual decisions. If I don't like those decisions, then I'll judge based on his REAL actions. Not stupid hypotheticals.