SemperSupra 3 points ago +3 / -0

Did you notice the outfit the Crypt Keeper is in?

It's the Godfather outfit that Trump has been depicted in.


Same outfit.

And Trump is the headliner for the BTC conference.

I think he's saying that he is the CryptO Keeper.

SemperSupra 7 points ago +7 / -0

That was the Drudge headline. It got partially captured with the screenshot of the others. I'm not sure which article Drudge was linking to for it.

SemperSupra 1 point ago +1 / -0

What do the founders of YouTube, Yelp, Tesla, and LinkedIn have in common? Apart from creating some of the biggest companies in tech, they all share a common résumé line item: they've all worked at PayPal.

SemperSupra 2 points ago +2 / -0

Meanwhile Biden is still wondering why the scare thingy his handlers call a "phone" keeps moving. He wonders if hitting it with a hammer would stop the noise that keeps ruining his naps.

SemperSupra 1 point ago +1 / -0

Look at the articles. That's just one example of how they call it "austin-based" and put the founded in 2011 to imply that it was a Texas company founded in 2011 when it was not. It was a CA company. The headlines are everywhere pushing "Texas-based CROWDSTRIKE caues world wide outages."

They are trying to push that it is a Texas company (red state) is at fault.

Look at Texas, not at California.

"Crowdstrike is a cybersecurity firm based in Austin, Texas. Since being founded in 2011..."

In most articles they word it like that to imply it's a Texas firm when it's always been one that started in CA. This is how they deceive people by being careful what details they leave out to give someone a very misleading impression.

Crowdstrike doesn't give a damn about the tax laws in CA. Companies like that have huge loopholes to avoid the taxes they use to destroy the little people.

SemperSupra 4 points ago +4 / -0

It's interesting that the update that caused the outage that caused 1% of Windows to shut down (all in critical infrastructure) happened 9 days after the anniversary of Seth Rich's death on 7/10/2016 at 4:20 am EST.

Crowd Strike update hit on 7/19/2024 at 4:09 UTC.


SemperSupra 4 points ago +4 / -0

Think of Endpoint Protection as a firewall on each device that is part of a network. The ‘cloud’ part of it is similar to a conductor in a orchestra, with the endpoints being those playing the instruments, and the instruments are the individual computers/servers.

According to Cook, the “Blue Screen of Death” experienced globally after the “outage” is caused by an update that conflicted with Microsoft Windows, causing machines to get “stuck during reboot,” preventing them from loading the operation software.

The idiots that implemented our cloud-based voter registration and poll-book systems have created a HUGE abuse vector in our election ecosystem and I’d be shocked if those election systems weren’t also affected by this. And there is nothing that can prevent their being another accidental (or intentional) abuse! Have you considered that this may just be cover for an election hack just prior to/during an election? It would be perfect cover.

The huge complication here is that the driver must be removed MANUALLY. A further complication is for servers that have encrypted hard drives because extra steps must be performed to decrypt the hard drive in order for the repair to be implemented. For companies that didn’t follow best-practices on their encryption passwords, their systems will be permanently locked out and unrecoverable.

Cook goes into detail on his website how it the "update" is fixed:


SemperSupra 1 point ago +1 / -0

Just pointing out the time gap between when he posted them in 7/7 and when they are made.

SemperSupra 10 points ago +10 / -0

They use them to push how they are the result of climate change. Gotta scare the masses somehow.

SemperSupra 2 points ago +2 / -0

Great catch! This video is very interesting. You can see them trying to push so hard for Trump to agree on their lie about Russia hacked the DNC (to cover up that it was an inside job -- Seth Rich).

SemperSupra 4 points ago +4 / -0

Other Connections

Note where it says "Divide they try. Fail they will"

That sounds very Yoda, right?

Well it connects to another Q post:


The "YODA" of the DOJ was a fixer for the DS:


Said fact and heinous lack of accountability for Justice Department attorneys, not just in Washington, but across the country and territories, is largely because of, and jealously ingrained by, David Margolis. What Glen Fine was testifying about is the fact there is no independent regulation and accountability for DOJ attorneys.

They are generally excluded from the Department IG purview of authority, and it is rare, if ever, courts or state bar authorities will formally review DOJ attorneys without going throughout the filter of the OPR – the Office of Professional Responsibility – within the Department. A protection racket designed and jealously guarded for decades by David Margolis. Even when cases were found egregious enough to be referred out of OPR, they went to…..David Margolis.

If you want a solid history of OPR, and the malfeasance it and Margolis have cravenly protected going back well over a decade, please go read “The Roach Motel”, a 2009 article in no less an authority than the American Bar Association Journal. It is a stunning and damning report. It is hard to describe just how much this one man, David Margolis, has frustrated public transparency and accountability into the Justice Department that supposedly works for the citizens of the United States. It is astounding really.

Q was quoting this article:


For years, Schools worked alongside another Justice Department mainstay, David Margolis, who was known as the "Yoda" of the department. When Margolis died, DOJ brass asked Schools to come back to Washington to try to fill those shoes.

SemperSupra 10 points ago +10 / -0

In a historic 6-3 ruling, the justices said for the first time that former presidents have absolute immunity from prosecution for their official acts and no immunity for unofficial acts. But rather than do it themselves, the justices ordered lower courts to figure out precisely how to apply the decision to Trump’s case.

SemperSupra 1 point ago +1 / -0

The original photo was taken in 2018:

The photo was taken during the Congressional Ball at the White House on 15 December, where Trump gave a speech to guests about his plans for the next two years.

Sharing the Christmas card on Instagram, the couple’s representative wrote alongside the photo: “Merry Christmas from President Donald J. Trump and First Lady Melania Trump.”

The caption continues: “@realdonaldtrump & @FLOTUS are seen Saturday, December 15, in their official 2018 Christmas portrait, in the Cross Hall of the White House in Washington, D.C. (Official White House Photo by Andrea Hanks).”


The post links to this video:


SemperSupra 1 point ago +1 / -0

Wow, great digging Wulf!

I didn't think about it being during major football games.

SemperSupra 5 points ago +5 / -0

I think because they wanted absolute control over the setting and timing. The presidential debates have a big impact on how people see the candidates. Their interaction sets the tone. The MSN can only do so much on the debate stage. They put the debates on campuses (hives of radicals) and they grouped them to be as close as possible to the election so they could drop October Surprises.

I find it very telling they set this up right before Bush Sr ran in 1988. Then they used it to make Bill Clinton look good.

SemperSupra 3 points ago +3 / -0

This was the first debate since 1988 that wasn't under CPD control.


And we can see how that is working out for them.

SemperSupra 12 points ago +12 / -0

mistake I wrote "CBD" instead of CPD.

The co-founder of the CPD also sat on the board of First Republic and other banks. He ran US presidential debates.


Fahrenkopf serves as the co-chair of the Commission on Presidential Debates .[3]

Fahrenkopf also sits on the board of directors of six New York Stock Exchange public companies: First Republic Bank, Gabelli Equity Trust, Inc., Gabelli Utility Trust, Gabelli Global Multimedia Trust, Gabelli Dividend and Income Trust, and Gabelli Gold and Natural Resources.


Paul Grattan Kirk Jr. (born January 18, 1938) is an American lawyer and politician who served as a United States Senator from Massachusetts from 2009 to 2010, having been appointed to fill the vacancy created by the death of Ted Kennedy. From 1985 to 1989, he chaired the Democratic National Committee (DNC).

He served as co-chairman of the Commission on Presidential Debates,

The CPD:


In 2024, the campaigns of the major-party presumptive presidential candidates, Democratic incumbent Joe Biden and Republican former president Donald Trump, circumvented the CPD and committed to two debates outside the CPD's purview. Jen O’Malley Dillon, chairwoman of Biden’s campaign, informed the Commission on Presidential Debates that Biden will not be taking part in its events, effectively rendering the corporation both defunct and obsolete.[4]

The CPD was established in 1987 by the chairmen of the Democratic and Republican Parties to "take control of the presidential debates".[3] The commission was staffed by members from the two parties and chaired by the heads of the Democratic and Republican parties, Paul G. Kirk and Frank Fahrenkopf.

The debate on 6/27 was the first Presidential Debate since 1988 that was not run by the CPD.

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