This means you can own chickens without the local municipality saying you can't.
Chickens are cheap, easy to care for, and they produce a fuck ton of eggs.
There are serious drawbacks (from someone who has a prejudice against chickens unless they're fully dressed out on my plate steaming hot with a pinch of rosemary and olive oil).
Chickens are expensive to keep--building a coop, feeding them. They attract snakes and predators that will not only eat your eggs but your chickens. They're messy (feathers, feed waste, droppings, feathers), and they stink.
Of course, this is coming from someone who was attacked by grandma's rooster as a child and hated the nasty little fuckers ever since, so you can take that for what it's worth. I'll just get my eggs from the farmer down the road. An omelet isn't worth putting up with those feathered demon dinos from the eighth circle of Hell
I know. Grandma kept chickens my whole childhood, and ducks (a little rich but delicious).
Best chicken I ever had was a month after the Rooster Attack. We were sitting down at grand'mas for dinner and she said, "You know where that chicken came from, don't you?" and I just looked her, confused. She pointed to the crispy leg in my hand, "That's the rooster that attacked you," and smiled. And I smiled. And I dug into that chicken with gusto and that was the best chicken I have ever had in my life :-D So yeah, chickens are amazing....on my Plate
This means you can own chickens without the local municipality saying you can't. Chickens are cheap, easy to care for, and they produce a fuck ton of eggs.
I'm not that knowledgeable about farming etc. but chickens seem really efficient for the amount of quality food you get.
There are serious drawbacks (from someone who has a prejudice against chickens unless they're fully dressed out on my plate steaming hot with a pinch of rosemary and olive oil).
Chickens are expensive to keep--building a coop, feeding them. They attract snakes and predators that will not only eat your eggs but your chickens. They're messy (feathers, feed waste, droppings, feathers), and they stink.
Of course, this is coming from someone who was attacked by grandma's rooster as a child and hated the nasty little fuckers ever since, so you can take that for what it's worth. I'll just get my eggs from the farmer down the road. An omelet isn't worth putting up with those feathered demon dinos from the eighth circle of Hell
And an added bonus, no refrigerator required to keep your meat fresh.
I know. Grandma kept chickens my whole childhood, and ducks (a little rich but delicious).
Best chicken I ever had was a month after the Rooster Attack. We were sitting down at grand'mas for dinner and she said, "You know where that chicken came from, don't you?" and I just looked her, confused. She pointed to the crispy leg in my hand, "That's the rooster that attacked you," and smiled. And I smiled. And I dug into that chicken with gusto and that was the best chicken I have ever had in my life :-D So yeah, chickens are amazing....on my Plate
I can see why you don't like them haha. I've been around them a bit and I can relate to what you're saying regarding the mess and smell.