posted ago by Tewdryg ago by Tewdryg +31 / -0

OSHA intends [emph. added] the ETS to address comprehensively the occupational safety and health issues of vaccination, wearing face coverings, and testing for COVID-19. Thus, the standard is intended [emph. added] to preempt States, and political subdivisions of States, from adopting and enforcing workplace requirements relating to these issues, except under the authority of a Federally-approved State Plan. In particular, OSHA intends [emph. added] to preempt any State or local requirements that ban or limit an employer from requiring vaccination, face covering, or testing. Additional information on the preemption of State and local laws is found in Section VI.A. of the ETS preamble.

Do you see what I am seeing? The word "intends" and "intended" is used three times in this paragraph. When one intends to do something, it is announcing their intended objective. OSHA does not have this authority. They are not a medical practitioner. OSHA is being weaponized and this is part of the Obamacare plan top destroy the United States. Do you remember the provision for 'death panels'? OSHA is simply making a power grab to make it so. DO NOT ALLOW THIS TO STAND.

Moreover, this ETS is a trial balloon. At the bottom of page 3 in the boxed in area. Note:

However, this summary is not itself a standard or regulation, and it creates no new legal obligations.

Here is the PDF for this "NO NEW LEGAL OBLIGATIONS"

Contact them directly at 1-800-321-OSHA (6742) and ask questions trying to get them to admit the truth about this chicanery and deception and then tell them they have over-stepped their authority and this is a clear abuse of authority.