Fear trumps common sense and they think it will save them from death by Covid. If they know about the deaths and horrible reactions from the vaxx, they dismiss that data as not affecting enough people to be concerned about it. The ones that really get me are the people lying in hospital beds due to vaxx reactions and parents standing over their child in a hospital bed due to vaxx reactions and they still tell others to get the jab. Cognitive dissonance is strong in the sheep.
Fear trumps common sense and they think it will save them from death by Covid. If they know about the deaths and horrible reactions from the vaxx, they dismiss that data as not affecting enough people to be concerned about it. The ones that really get me are the people lying in hospital beds due to vaxx reactions and parents standing over their child in a hospital bed due to vaxx reactions and they still tell others to get the jab. Cognitive dissonance is strong in the sheep.