posted ago by NeedMoarPillows ago by NeedMoarPillows +114 / -0

There was a thread on 4chan that someone posted to IG recently that reminded me of him. He was the 27 year old Russian-born actor that died when his Jeep rolled down his driveway and crushed him against his mailbox. He was also known as someone who would speak out and hint at his suffered sex abuse as a young actor.

One of his first roles was a film called Delivering Milo which was written and directed by Nick Castle (the box art is interesting: https://imgur.com/YqEs9Id ... Look familiar?). Nick Castle is known for making lots of movies with little kid actors. Hook, Boy Who Could Fly, etc etc. Anton was abused on set in exchange for bigger and bigger roles - Star Trek ... hello?

The night he died Anton had received a call asking him to come to an audition at 11pm on a Sunday. He didn't tell any friends he was going and died while trying to operate his stuck gate. None of his friends knew who the audition was with and his phone didn't offer any clues because they couldn't find the call record.

At the time the media announced his Jeep had failed and crushed him because there was a recall on the model. Anton's best friend, who was aware of the past sex abuse and remembered Anton not having his Jeep for a week for repairs, hired a PI who confirmed through the Jeep's vin number that the recall on the transmission was already repaired.

The investigator, and the insurance inspector, don't believe it is possible that Yelchin could get out of the Jeep and move to the bottom of the driveway before the Jeep started to roll. In a scenario where the car remained in neutral the Jeep would have run him over mid driveway or he would have been able to get out of the way.

Leading up to his death Anton had been discussing sex abuse scandals with friends and had even confided with one friend that he had been abused on the set of his first few roles.

To make it even more strange, two nights after his death his house was robbed. Police blamed the gate being damaged and people knowing he was gone. But, his stuff was just all taken, almost like movers came in and emptied the place out - even though his parents own the home and still do to this day, they don't even rent it out, it just sits empty.

The whole case is strange and I wanted to bring light to it because that night the police ruled it an accident, before his body was even removed from the scene. There was no autopsy performed even though one person who talked to Anton an hour before said he sounded drugged and he barely even drank. Yelchin was also a closeted Trump supporter and his Russian parents were fans of Putin and Trump as well.