The right thing isnt always the easiest. Wife refused jab and was fired today. Walked away from a ludicrous amount of money to keep her health and integrity. So proud of her.
Fuck the rising Medi-Reich.
The right thing isnt always the easiest. Wife refused jab and was fired today. Walked away from a ludicrous amount of money to keep her health and integrity. So proud of her.
Fuck the rising Medi-Reich.
Awesome. My wife will leave me when I have to do this. You're a lucky man, your married well.
Never been married (or in many relationships for that matter) for this exact reason.
Are we nothing more than a meal ticket? How many times do I have to hear this story? How is that supposed to convince a young guy like me to want to “settle down”?
The entire system needs reset, and not the deep state great reset bullshit.
There are plenty of good women out there who would stick by you, are extremely based, and would be excellent partners in the Apocalypse, slaying zombies, starting fires to cook that deer you slayed, kicking ass, not getting the jab, and stick by you for being a Man and standing up for your convictions.
Just be sure that (unlike incels) you aren't passing them by because they're not a Perfect 10, or they don't meet all your exact expectations of media driven Beauty standards. Some of the most Beautiful women in the world are the ones you didn't look twice at, or walked by without a second glance because they didn't meet the Consooom Product brainwashing men are subjected to today. Turn off the porn and Twitter bitches, and look at the REAL women out there who are looking for a man exactly like You, and would be grateful for your love, affection, and loyalty. If she turns you down, She wasn't the right one. Keep looking. Don't paint all women with Her dirty brush.
Look for the one who isn't wearing makeup, 3" fake nails, or revealing "sexy" clothing, throwing herself out there for fake adoration. If you didn't notice her right off...she's probably the One
Very nice read , the last sentence deserves an award
"incel" is shaming language invented by the left and feminists to shame men for leaving the plantation of relationships and marriage.
I would agree accept that the very name "In(voluntary) cel(ibate)" implies you have no choice, whereas you just admitted men are "leaving" which is voluntary. I think that's more MGTOW than "incel".
However, there is an inherent flaw in the entire movement in that MOST (Not All) of the people who take on the name "incel" aren't involuntary at all. They choose not to make the Effort to improve to find someone.
There are "incel" women, as well. However, the difference is, Society/Men expect women to exert the effort and spend the money to make themselves more attractive. Makeup, working out/dieting, clothes, plastic surgery if necessary. If they don't, they're just "dogs" who don't care about themselves, or finding a man. If they complain that men don't find them attractive because they're overweight, not young enough, or ugly, they're berated, denigrated and abused--for being overweight, ugly, and older.
For MOST (not all) of incels, they think they shouldn't have to make any effort to improve. Women should simply accept them as they are (ugly, overweight, broke, old) and if they don't, Women are the problem.....Not Them. Then, they make it very clear within the movement, they are "entitled" to a woman who is far above their pay grade, or extremely young (under 25), and again, abuse and denigrate any woman who doesn't live up their high standards. Incels are Shallow Hals.
That's why most people have no respect for the movement. If you aren't wiling to make the effort to Be the Person You'd Want to Be With, then you can't then expect someone to want to be with you, and whine and cry that no one wants to be with you.
No one is shaming men for "leaving the plantation". They're shaming (MOST) incels for being entitled and hypocritical. And that is the main flaw of it all, and it isn't going to fix that until it changes it's own attitudes toward women and hold themselves to the same standards.