SARS-CoV-19 Characterizations are Just Digital Estimates Created by Algorithms
They do not constitute purification, isolation, or genome accuracy.
All published studies, that claim SARS-CoV-2 isolation, obfuscate the term isolation or they outright ignore the term and just lay out a characterization of Sars-COV-2. When you dig into this characterization you find that they created it using digital tools. No isolation is ever summarized, explained logically, or completed scientifically.
Here is a summary of what is typically done to create a digital virus characterization that is presented as virus isolation:
First, in the section titled ‘Whole Genome Sequencing,’ we find that rather than having isolated the virus and sequencing the genome from end to end, they found 37 base pairs from unpurified samples using PCR probes. This means they actually looked at 37 out of the approximately 30,000 of the base pairs that are claimed to be the genome of the intact virus. They then took these 37 segments and put them into a computer program, which filled in the rest of the base pairs.
To me, this computer-generation step constitutes scientific fraud
Every object that exists can be quantified, which is to say, measured
SARS-CoV-2 [Covid 19] has not been quantified, therefore it has not been proven to exist. (It still MAY exist, but it still has not been quantified -don't hold your breath)
You cannot create a cure [vaxx] for a disease that has not been quantified
The CDC States
“We aimed to develop and deploy robust diagnostic methodology [a test for a virus] for use in public health laboratory settings without having virus material available.”
To say this is a non-sequitur is a vast understatement. In their universe, “We assume, without proof, we have the virus buried in a soup in a dish in the lab” equals, “We’ve separated the virus from all surrounding material.”
Right. The "genome" of the "virus" is called "in silico." That's because it is made up, in a computer program. It does not exist in reality.
The "isolated" virus that can be purchased for labs is not isolated at all. It is a soup mix of cells from monkey kidney, cow blood, human fetal lung cells, and they add antibiotics.
The fetal lung cells are from a fetus from 1970, and they have kept that cell culture alive all these years. The monkey kidney cells are from a green African monkey in 1967, and they have kept those cells alive, too. The cow blood is taken from a live cow fetus inside the mother, and a probe sticks into it to extract the blood. This is likely very painful to the bovine fetus.
All of that is mixed with a sample of "infected" material from a human (claimed to be infected, but never proven). When the antibiotics are added to the mix and kill off the cells, the "scientist" claims it was (a) a virus that (b) killed the cells and (c) "proves" that the sample from the human must have killed the cells, so that (d) the person has the virus that (e) makes them sick.
The ENTIRE so-called "science" of virology is a SCAM.
There is NO PROOF that ANY virus exists.
The more we see ivermectin heal people, the more we should start considering that it is parasites that are making people sick. At least, those are real.
Well said
Read Dr Cowans Report from the CDC researchers. Great Post Fren.