My grandmother got vaccinated after being swayed by her numerous doctors. She had some mild memory issues but was always lucid and aware. She would text me every night before bed. Since getting her first dose of Pfizer, I never get texts from her. My mom, who visits her says all she does is repeat herself and ask the same question over and over. I can’t help but think this is related to the va😵. Does anyone have similar stories about this? I am trying to discern between age-related decline and effects of the vaccine. Thanks frens
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Odd that it should come on so completely over such a short time. My mother has dementia and it has been a decline over at least nine years so far.
A close friend of mine has lost about 1/3rd of her short term memory. She forgets things a lot more often since she got the jab.
An elderly, but sharp as a tack woman in our community just told me she "lost six months" of her life. When I asked her what she meant, she told me she couldn't remember the last six months or what she had for breakfast that day. I asked her if she'd gotten the vaccine, she said, "Yes, two! Why do you ask?"
Makes me wonder if the jabbed will ever realize what has been done to them.
She could have a vax-caused blood clot in her brain that is causing the cognitive problems. Would blood thinners break up such a clot?