Did NHS issue a mandate or did this crap front page ad become something that all the papers took in money for and are promoting simultaneously? Or is it something the papers can claim was entirely voluntary?
It seems the papers had the liberty to recolor the graphic. Would be fun to see the Babylon bee fuck up the graphic (hands falling off, someone look even sicker, etc) and promote why you shouldn't get the vax as a parody.
"Your regular paper is inside." Meaning it's just a wrapper that you can throw away. I bet that cost a lot.
Did NHS issue a mandate or did this crap front page ad become something that all the papers took in money for and are promoting simultaneously? Or is it something the papers can claim was entirely voluntary?
It seems the papers had the liberty to recolor the graphic. Would be fun to see the Babylon bee fuck up the graphic (hands falling off, someone look even sicker, etc) and promote why you shouldn't get the vax as a parody.
I don't know, but I would bet it was mandated and paid for.