Tlbdr - I'll be fired next Friday for refusing the vaxx. I don't have a single IRL human being who supports me. My strength comes from the Lord, and from all of you on GA.W... words cannot express how important you all have been in my fight against this evil. From the depths of my soul... thank you.
First post regarding my experience can be found here:
I submitted an Exemption Request, which has been denied. The Vaxx Deadline is a week from today, and everyone in my office is aware that I'm making a stand.
My wife, her friends, my friends, my sister (a family practice physician), my father (legit the smartest person I know, IQ approaching 160), my church group... EVERYONE that I have spoken to in person... all say the same thing: "I mean, I get what you're saying that there isn't enough safety and efficacy data, but you should get the jab because your life will be harder if you don't."
I'm fucking tired. I'm tired of defending my decision. I'm tired of trying to help others see the lies surrounding Covid and the vaccines. I'm tired of getting that look from people. The one that says "yeah, you're kinda right, but just get the jab anyway."
I'm living out the idea that a person should stand for what they believe is right, even if they are standing alone. But at the same time, I know that I am not alone. I am standing on the rock that was given to me by God. I'm standing next to millions of you, who I have never met, and whose strength has carried me through the darkest days of this fight.
The days when I have to watch my wife cry because she thinks I'm being selfish. When I can hear the disappointment in my dad's voice because he thinks I'm throwing away a good job opportunity. On those days when I am the weakest, and wavering in my convictions, I draw from the hope and confidence that I find here.
You have your own reasons for fighting. Family, friends, children, posterity, etc... but I wanted to say thanks. Because you're fighting for me, too.
My struggle seems to pale in comparison to yours. I'm over here complaining that I don't have any support, but I also don't have to deal with any outright hostility. My family still talks to me, still spends time with me, and overall still respects me.
I'm sorry to hear that your family has been physically and emotionally divided over this. I'm going to borrow your strengh during this time. And I hope that you'll borrow mine if you ever need it.
I appreciate it. My inlaws are vaxxed libs, but they are nice to us. I'm an adult with adult kids, so I can take it. I don't need anything from them. I have no siblings, so if my parents want some dignity at the end of their lives, it behooves them not to be too big of pricks to me. Otherwise, I'll just place a wellness check call to local PD if I go longer than 3 months without hearing from them.
I do, however, feel for people who had "normal" relationships with their family that have been damaged by COVID/vax issues. It just made a poor relationship worse for me.
And having a wife who is 100% in line with my beliefs helps too.