...which vax would you elect to take, and why? Reason I ask? I may be facing that dilemma this coming week.
I am a middle aged white guy, unemployed, not a slacker. I have two daughters in elementary/middle school. I have LOTS of skillz to bring to the employment table. In fact, I am getting interview after interview, and they are going well so far. I expect to get at least one offer soon, maybe two. The jobs I am interviewing for a quite different, speaking to the big skill set I mentioned: Communications department of a large private school producing videos, etc.; Applications Developer job with a large government lab where I would acquire some type of security clearance; An engineering design job with a medium-sized manufacturer; A Web Development job with a company in another state. I can do all of those things, and a lot more.
Here's the sticking point (pun intended): The jobs I feel good about so far.. I would need to be "fully vaccinated" to be hired. I would sincerely love to tell them all to kiss my honky ass, but I am almost out of money. I need to do something very soon.
So if you were in this predicament, what would you do? Which vaccine is "safest"? I don't believe any of them are, and it's basically like playing Russian Roulette no matter what you do. Am I wrong?
This is frustrating because we should have ACTED long before we found ourselves this far up shit creek.
A lot of headhunters are repping jobs at places that require it, and I have been headhunted a couple times but the jobs weren't a good fit. Amazon was one place. I just got hooked up with one in Frederick MD who has called me a couple times already. I still have options, but shit is getting tight.
I’d take a lesser job right rather than the vax!!! I just watched the November 2 vaxx panel in DC hosted by Senator Ron Johnson. When you see and hear those vaccine injured people speak, I’m not sure you’ll be willing to play Russian roulette with your life. Here’s my plan for you, take the lesser job BUT continue to interview! This buys you more time AND there are plenty of job opportunities right now. Maybe even if you turn the others down, and say why, maybe they’ll come around. You won’t be any good to your kids if you’re sick or dead. Remember these assholes are requiring a THIRD vax and will require more and more. Is that the life you want?