In an effort to prevent catching covid, I added Zinc Bisglycinate (50 mg) and Quercetin LipoMicel Matrix (250 mg) to my usual Vitamin C, D and Multivitamin regimen.
About 90 minutes later I experienced painful stomach cramps followed by torrential diarrhea. Thank God it didn't manifest sooner as I was driving for about an hour before the cramps started.
I'm a bit gun-shy to try them again, even individually. Thoughts?
No I don’t really have a tail to tail. It’s just that when I started taking it I had some upset stomach problems like yourself. It’s not like that now and I’m still taking it, but still… It will get rid of parasite one way or another. And it’s fantastic for your body. You’ll have more energy, you won’t like super sweet or super salty things, and overall mind clarity. I’m happy to hear that you’re healthy and happy and that things are going well for you. Sorry you had to go through the poops. It happened four times for me and two weeks. I’m still taking the ivermectin but it’s not happening anymore.
I've been thinking of ordering some IVM from India lately.