Camp Yesu God with us As Christ’s followers, we desire to live lives holy and pleasing to God by bringing faith, hope and love to the lost, hurting and broken in the precious and mighty name of Jesus-our Deliverer, Redeemer and Messiah, the Holy Son of God Our Mission at Camp Yesu is to provide and operate a year round camp/school-A CORNERSTONE AND A SURE FOUNDATION-For in Scripture it says: "See, I lay a stone in Zion, a chosen and precious cornerstone, and the one who trusts in him will never be put to shame." 1 Peter 2:6 to reach homeless, abused, addicted, trafficked, enslaved, orphaned, and at risk youth of all ages and young adults for Christ, from one end of the nation to the other. Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." Matthew 19:14
Nationwide Outreach
We have been called by God to reach kids and young adults in every nook and cranny of these United States of America and to provide needed rescue missions- from urban neighborhoods to suburban schoolyards to rural farming communities and help those willing to accept that they need a change. We want to provide rescue, housing, rehabilitation, counseling, witnessing and leading them to Christ, mentoring inspire and help them grow into true godly leaders who show care and compassion for others in the world, who desire to reach others in turn and change their lives as well for God.
We will strive to win over lost, broken and hurting kids of all ages and young adults with the love of God showered love upon them in a nurturing environment where born again Christian staff members will strive to teach them all they can be in Jesus and show them how he can transform them, change and grow them - providing for children through young adults whose ages would range from elementary school age to mid twenties we desire to teach children the Gospel of Christ by providing experiences where young people learn by doing. Kids will learn faith and Christianity and complete hands-on projects in areas like health, agriculture (farming and homesteading, animal husbandry, gardening, rustic and modern construction, culinary, arts and crafts of all kinds, music, outdoorsmanship and survival skills, adventure, mentoring and missions in a positively reinforced loving environment where they receive guidance from adult mentors and are encouraged to take on proactive leadership roles.
By providing godly Christian education from elementary through college for all kinds of jobs and skillsets, healthcare, counseling, rehabilitation, ministerial mentoring, brotherly and sisterly agape love, and practical gifts to reach kids through the spiritual transformation. Winning over hearts for God, restoring and mending broken relationships and lives and building lasting friendships and new relationships with other Christians. We will construct a community which partners with others in the body of Christ. Through inviting and welcoming the Holy Spirit we can reach these lost and endangered kids. It is by God’s saving grace, his love and being thankful, and seeking the Lord’s will in prayer that we will achieve this goal. We can help them learn what their spiritual gifts in Christ are and how to use them for his purpose and design.
We acknowledge that we are all God’s clay and he is the potter, he stretches and molds us, his creation into his perfect works to be used by him. This can be painful at times as we learn to overcome our past and grow to become the Man or Woman of God that he has planned for us, “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” – Jeremiah 29:11 We know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. Yet he uses our life experiences, though often painful, as lessons for us to learn and grow from. He has a place in his Kingdom for those who live to serve him here on earth and who lead others to know him and lead better, loving, fuller, more productive lives. We are his hands and feet and he commands us to go and serve in his name.
Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?" And I said, "Here am I. Send me!" Isaiah 6:8 and Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." Matthew 19:14
As believers in God’s family, the body of Christ, we desire and are committed above all to bring up godly leaders, who will in turn help the next generation of youth continue to inspire, challenge, and empower other children and teens everywhere to live their lives for the Lord. God will accomplish his ultimate goals when he chooses to do mighty works through us, thus transforming communities as they come to know Christ’s love. By reaching this generation and by furthering the surrounding communities and advancing God’s kingdom; coming together in Jesus name for the single-mindedness of aiding and caring to those in great need with his love. People are converted when they witness Christ’s healing miracles of love in action. In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead. James 2:17
We will strive to bring the gospel of Christ to all of the youth we reach out to, having the knowledge that the most important goal is Salvation in Christ Jesus, that none would be lost. 2 Peter 3:9 The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.
They will discover the fun, friendship, support and power of youth in being together, learning and growing together and the knowledge of what can be accomplished through coming together in Jesus name. Youngsters will grow courageous and strong through a wide variety of enriching experiences, missions outreach, fun and educational field trips, skills-building, community service projects, environmental stewardships, the hosting and or participating in arts and crafts bazaars and shows, catering of parties and events, hosting and participating in concert events which display the skills they have learned. Most food (plant and animal) would be grown on the property, ie; farm to table
We wish to help kids develop their full individual potential, relate to others with increasing understanding, compassion, Christ’s love and respect for authority and other people, develop values to guide their actions and provide the foundation for sound decision making, and contribute to the improvement of society through their abilities, leadership skills, and cooperation with others.
While in camp; young campers will learn and grow in the age appropriate level of classes which will develop them emotionally, spiritually, mentally and physically so that when they have completed their courses, they will have earned transferrable (should they so choose) class credits to graduate from their school age level.
Program- (Modeled along a combination of ideas gathered from Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Shared Hope International, Gospel for Asia’s Bridge of Hope, Youth for Christ, Emmanuel Ministries & Warm Beach Christian Camp and Conference Center)
Teaching a wide range of skills, classes to include-Basic Life skills such as Health and Hygiene, English Language, Reading, Writing Classes, Farming, ie; Flower and Vegetable Gardening, Animal care and Husbandry, Horsemanship, Cooking, Canning, Baking, Catering, Natural Homemade Skincare, Sewing, Quilting, Spinning, Weaving, Basketry, Crochet, Knitting, Gem Making and Jewelry Design and Making, Drawing, Painting, Photography, Floral Design, Pottery making and sculpting, Woodworking and carving, Rustic Furniture Design and construction, First Aid and CPR, Outdoor Survival and Navigation Skills, Nature Appreciation and Identification (also Search and Rescue) Trail Creation and Repair and Mapmaking, Outdoor Navigation, Nature Foraging, Swimming, Hiking, Kayaking, Rafting, Fishing, Music (Song & Instrumental), Worship and Bible Studies, Missions Preparations, Homesteading, Rock hounding, Team Building and Challenge Course teamwork and interaction.
Offering-Counseling, Worship Services, basic life skills, Future vocational skills
Classes will all be transferrable and can be used as Elementary, High School, Vocational and College credits and diplomas, certificates and degrees can be earned with us
Just for fun: Hiking, boating, swimming, horseback riding
All prescription meds would be locked up and under the supervision of nurse on duty with the exception of asthma inhalers, Epi-pens and others that must be always kept on hand with a doctor’s note. Any trips to medical specialists that must leave site will be provided and accompanied by a staff member or two.
Holidays will be celebrated ie; 4th of July, Easter, Christmas and New Year’s, Biblical Feasts, Birthday parties, baptisms and Graduation ceremonies will also be provided. We will arrange and supervise safe visits with families whenever possible provided it doesn’t place them into dangerous and compromising situations.
Phones, computers, tablets and video games will be locked up if brought in. Only the office phone will be made available as a landline located in the administration office and must be under supervision of a camp counselor, (few exceptions may apply) and will be supervised when used to be sure that a camper isn’t contacting an abuser, pimp, parent or another person with a restraining order against them or from whom the child is being hidden from through a protection/restraining order or witness protection.
All skills earned and items made or grown while at the camp may be used for personal use, gifts, and community volunteer help or sold (at makers or providers permission) as camp fundraisers, however they may not be sold for monetary gain while attending camp without prior arrangements being approved.
We desire to open the door for young people to learn leadership skills, while restructuring ways they associate hands-on and apply learned skills outside the classroom.
By helping youth gain necessary skills to actively participate in their community and by developing ideas for a more inventive self- sustaining economy that makes the most of natural resources and relies less on modern technology. We believe that God provides us with plenty of natural resources on this earth for us to utilize and make good use of.
Campers must always be participating in at least 4 classes and would be allowed to remain as campers so long as they abided by rules, always attended and participated at least 4 classes that hadn’t already been passed and volunteer in the camp or local community or opt to take an employment position in the camp. Those with a history of addiction, abuse victims and mental health issues must attend treatment and counseling which would be offered on site. All staff, volunteers and campers must attend and actively contribute to bible study, church services and prayer meetings
All staff, campers and volunteers would be required to donate time for volunteering in some form to help in the local community.
This Camp would be started and maintained on the funds from grants and donations
Classes available would earn credits for GED, High School Diploma & or College Vocational Credits to be transferrable, internships would be offered also.
Needed Setting (Scenic area) mountain, lake, river or stream with spacious Facilities Layout-Main lodge with Eating Area, Clubhouse, Classrooms, Cabins, Horse Barn, Indoor Riding Arena, Greenhouse, Adventure course, Safe Swimming Area
NEEDED SUPPLIES Tables, Books, Binders, Paper, Tape, Staples, Computers, Chairs, Cooking Stations, Sewing Machines, Thread, Lapidary Equipment, Horses, Sheep, Cows, Goats, Chickens or other Poultry, Saddles, Horse Tack, Easels, Paper, Art Pencils, Paintbrushes, Canvases, Portfolios, Cameras, Pottery Wheels, Potters Kiln, Tractor, Tractor Implements, Lawn Mower or two, Trucks, Bus, Jeep, Shovels, Rakes, Hoes, Seeds, Bulbs, Pruners, Fertilizer, Rototiller, Bricks, Treated Lumber, Solar Panels, Saws, Nails, Lifejackets, Rafts, Kayaks, Rope, Compasses, Backpacks, Sleeping Bags, Fishing Poles, Fishing tackle, Tackle Boxes, Swing Sets, Playground Equipment to accommodate broad age range, Hammocks, Barbeques, extra Freezers, Root Cellar, Greenhouse, Harnesses for Challenge Course, Safe for locking up any valuables and possible perceived weapons from the tools or equipment, a Church Building, shop and tools for mechanics classes, main lodge with dining room and student cooking area and supplies, cabins with bunk beds for campers and camp counselors.
Similar to chocolates on a pillow at bed and breakfasts, a bible, book mark and laminated card with encouraging scriptures will be placed on each new camper’s pillow before they come in.
Prayer Journals will be given once a child has professed their faith in Christ with the request that each day they spend at least 20 minutes a day alone in conversation with God and write down and record all Prayer requests and all Answers to prayer for their own personal reflection and growth. They will not be required to share with others; however they will be welcome to do so. Baptism will also be offered as a display to others of having accepted Christ and become a member of the family of God and as one of his children.
We will provide a wide range of bible study class topics as well as allow input and suggestions from campers on topics of interest to include on a voting majority basis. Also, included would be several relationship study topics which would be required in order to teach healthy, godly family, dating and marriage relationships as many of these kids will likely have never seen what a healthy family looked like. Of course each class would be age appropriate.
Mandatory outdoor safety requirements when on outdoor field trips and outdoor excursions, safety precautions would be required for wilderness survival. Being that this area would be a haven for wildlife, in the mountains and on river where weather patterns and rising waters could also prove hazardous- cell phones with waterproof cases and tethers on at least two members together, map, gps, bear spray, tree hanging food storage bags to keep bears out, (possibly hunting equipment); ie; weapon for protection from animal attacks, change of clothes, raingear, food, emgc shelter, matches, rope)- also a buddy system must also be in place.
Thank you for the tips. I don’t yet have financial information in there until I am able to narrow down to just a top few properties (to be backups in case sale happens before we can purchase) then I should be able to begin putting those figures together, although I suck at math, so may need help in that area. I was going to depend on several grants for startup then hopefully/prayerfully get to total self sufficiency. It would be year around and residential. I have run daily operations in our old business that we built from the ground up (dog resort) an wrote up our policies and procedures, ad am still working on revising this. As soon as I get properties narrowed down, then I will begin financial figures.
I was only able to get a few quarters of college in and it was Fine Arts and Journalism, so. My husband got his his degree in Business management and wrote the one for our last business but he’s leaving this all up to me as he thinks since he had an aortic dissection and we had to resign from the camp we worked at where we were hospitality and kitchen staff and he was head chef that our shot is over.
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Sooo, what are you saying exactly here? That you enjoy writing?
Sis I made this post on c/CampYesu
Any time you meet someone or write a post about it. Try and link this link so we can start gathering names. Feel free to write them down IRL if you are as well
Not sure why it didn't link the full thing. I stickied it on c/CampYesu though
You can write you own post if you wanna word it different. Just putting the idea out there
Thank you, please pray for me to be able to figure out technology cause I still struggle so much and I hate technology .
Will do sis. Keep at it. I know it's a lot. Just try to keep moving forward and learning and growing. I'm here to help how I can
The problems currently with doing financials figures at this point are:
Until I know these things, how can I figure above? What do you think of plan goals? Yes, non profit.
I have built up an excel spreadsheet with the main basics to build from as well as an outline and property listings that I built spreadsheet from. Therein is my stumbling block as I have to find out what is needed for the land I choose before knowing the rest, currently working on that part.
In order to do so, I would need to know what property, which state, size of land and what’s on it. As of yet, God has not revealed those things to me.
I think I missed the door, where was it? I have been praying for him to kick me through any I miss.
I’m currently watching for land that catches my eye. Then I’ll begin working on that part. Thanks for the pointer. Would you mind praying on it? Please
I finally got the chance to follow up. I think you have some good ideas but yes, the business plan needs some work. Unless you are independently wealthy you will need to fund raise. In order to do so you will need a good business plan to present to investors or financial supporters of your ministry.
My wife and I feel the call from the Lord to do something similar. We call it a place of refuge as we too believe that the tribulation is near and believers will not be able to buy, sell, or trade with the rest of the world unless we take the mark of the beast. Therefore, we need to create a separate economy and functioning society.
In the beginning there will be a lot of estimates used to create a budget. For example, get an idea of how much land costs. Here in SC midlands it goes for around $6k per acre. How many acres do you need?
Next, how many buildings do you need? How much do those cost per square foot? How much does each cabin cost? Will you build them yourself or with help from the community? Or professionally built?
And so on. I imagine starting small and as others catch the vision more will jump on board. I think buying a large chunk of land and then selling at very cheap to like minded people will help the project get off the ground. Once you have community the group can work together on building infrastructure, pooling time and resources. The important part is getting a quality leadership team that has the same vision. Raising funds shouldn't be that difficult once you have a solid plan. God owns the cattle on a thousand hills not to mention all the silver and gold in the earth. He's just looking for the faithful whom He can trust to build his kingdom. I have witnessed God's great provision in my own life.
I would be willing to discuss more details and pray about partnering together in this project. Is there a way to direct message on this site? I don't want to give out my contact info on a public site.
I would love to discuss this and your idea more with you. Not sure if there’s a way to sirect msg on here or not, wish there was but you can msg me on facebook msngr (the only way I have to stay in touch with alot of family and friends) look for Juliereinardwinters. Just reference this conversation I can give you my info then
Yes please on discussing more and there is a DM on here.if you click messages on menu there is a magnifying glass circle where you can type in person’s user name.
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Sounds great except I am broke, currently seeking disability for my back which has caused so much pain with sciatica over the last two years that I couldn’t walk without a cane and now that I have had spinal fusion surgery six weeks ago and I am healing well but currently still have a great deal of pain. This will all have to be started on grants solely unless God provides funds from elsewhere. In the meantime I am healing so I hopefully can do physical work again.