The modern-day tyrants are not protecting themselves against those who are waking. Their bunkers
are for temporary protection against the hordes of 'immigrants' who have been enabled by destroying
border protection.
The uber-wealthy will hide out on their estates while the current enforcers (and their new allies) search
for our weapons and supplies. Border Patrol can only do so much when their ranks are depleted and
their weapons are empty. We've not yet seen the full-invasion force(s) - and we're still living as if
Walmart will always be open for us and the power and water will always be available.
Our military is being de-horned before our eyes. I recommend:
Prayer - every DAY
Organizing in your neighborhood, your city, your county, your state, your region
Stock up; communications equip., flares/signaling methods (yes, even flags)
Stock up; food, ammo, tools, ammo, fuel, ammo, protective-gear, ammo, etc.
Did I mention Prayer?
The one thing that gives me hope is the one thing that the tyrants in their bunkers seem to be ignoring: RELATIONSHIP with The Lord God in Christ. Let us be people of worship and of prayer. Let us find
ways to live together under STRESS, respecting each other as free people - under God - working
together and ALWAYS watching the backs of each other. We know that in the end, God Wins. Until
then, things may get... interesting.
The modern-day tyrants are not protecting themselves against those who are waking. Their bunkers are for temporary protection against the hordes of 'immigrants' who have been enabled by destroying border protection.
The uber-wealthy will hide out on their estates while the current enforcers (and their new allies) search for our weapons and supplies. Border Patrol can only do so much when their ranks are depleted and their weapons are empty. We've not yet seen the full-invasion force(s) - and we're still living as if Walmart will always be open for us and the power and water will always be available.
Our military is being de-horned before our eyes. I recommend:
The one thing that gives me hope is the one thing that the tyrants in their bunkers seem to be ignoring: RELATIONSHIP with The Lord God in Christ. Let us be people of worship and of prayer. Let us find ways to live together under STRESS, respecting each other as free people - under God - working together and ALWAYS watching the backs of each other. We know that in the end, God Wins. Until then, things may get... interesting.