What I’m saying is, if we are supposed to trust in God, and these dreams are showing Christians that there’s going to be invasion by Russia and China and major cities being nuked, that kind of goes against what Q is saying, i.e. that everything is going to turn out great, with a mass awakening and a new golden age. Another dream many are having is of a massive storm hitting the US but that the Christians are protected from harm. I don’t see how Christians can be protected from nuked cities though. Also dreams of 6-9 months of food being necessary because of a nationwide EMP strike. Just trying to put all the pieces together.
What I’m saying is, if we are supposed to trust in God, and these dreams are showing Christians that there’s going to be invasion by Russia and China and major cities being nuked, that kind of goes against what Q is saying, i.e. that everything is going to turn out great, with a mass awakening and a new golden age. Another dream many are having is of a massive storm hitting the US but that the Christians are protected from harm. I don’t see how Christians can be protected from nuked cities though. Also dreams of 6-9 months of food being necessary because of a nationwide EMP strike. Just trying to put all the pieces together.