I've been in pits for Slayer, Deicide, Fear Factory, GWAR and hundreds of others. Every single one of them, no matter how violent you would immediately be picked up if you fell. I remember being manhandled at one show because I fell down, some absolute giant just picked me up like I was nothing.
The only time I ever got injured was some broken ribs while crowd surfing.
i have experienced many real mosh pits and hardcore punk slam dancing
although it looks totally insane and violent , i can assure you the crowd looks out for each other and will help you up if you fall.
so yeah im calling bullshit on the moshpit theory
I've been in pits for Slayer, Deicide, Fear Factory, GWAR and hundreds of others. Every single one of them, no matter how violent you would immediately be picked up if you fell. I remember being manhandled at one show because I fell down, some absolute giant just picked me up like I was nothing.
The only time I ever got injured was some broken ribs while crowd surfing.